Guelph Thursday! (Feb 7th)

Same deal as last week...20 plus a 5 dollar bounty.....
hopefully we'll have enough to run....sorry i'm posting late!!

1. Mark
2. Mir
3. Timmeh
4. Adam...
5. Jen (Tent)
6. Chris
7. Vicki


  • No me No Keith. We both would go for Tuesday if you plan on changing dates.
  • In. Very, very in.
  • yeah i am in.

    as for days.. monday and tuesday don't work for me.. and weekends are hard because i am often out of town. sunday would be fine by me as long as it doesn't start too early.

    but i have the same attitude as jen.. i'm only one person.. pick whichever night works best and i'll try to drop in when i can.
  • are we going to get enough out this week?

    any word from jen?
  • i haven't heard from Jen typically happens like this after a get together (superbowl)...some people come, some can't make it...
    hopefully we'll have enough to run by tomorrow (6). I think Jen is in, but i'm not 100%
  • Hey guys, I'm in , and Vicki too. As long as there is a game.
  • sorry..once again...working frickin night shift
  • yep...there will be a game..we have enough! :) see everyone tonight at around 7pm! :)
  • I'm in!

    maybe i'll be on time tonight!
  • should be a good game..
  • i forgot to pick up my bounty.. i guess i'll just grab it next game?
  • i thought so..there was 5 bucks left over! Grab it next time! :)
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