fri feb 1 (Guelph)

Looking for intrest in a game tonight in Guelph. 5000 chips to start 20 min blind, 20-30$$ buy in. rake free. byob.


  • Possible.. let me know if more get in on this.. what time?

    I'm in Guelph.. but already drinking... it best be cab-able ;)

  • just let me know when and where

    i can pick you up mark if you need a ride
  • Hey, just south of last nights location. (Near Rockys). I've got 3-4 so far, would like five at least and more is always good to. Still waiting on word from some others. 5:40pm. Try to start for like 8- 8 30. There are three of us here now, so if you guys are down that makes 5. I'm expecting two others to say yes, so like seven hopfully make for good table. OK its 7 30, I have four confirmed, and one mabye still waiting on. So if Monksy, and DR are in thats 6, which I'm comfortable to run with.
  • just need a couple more !!
  • looks like 5 for sure. What you guys thinking? Game is on either way starting at 9:30pm.
  • Sounds Good, can you send me directions to
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