Superbowl Pineapple / chilli?!

Hey Ya'll...
it's a little late to be planning a superbowl party..but i figured i'd give it a shot...
i'm thinking chilli from a slow cooker (a la my awesome wife)...I'm thinking some hot dogs on the bbq to place the chilli on.. (again..wife..)..i'm thinking...chips and booze (i can probably handle that aspect) and whatever everyone else who's playing wants to bring.
We'll start with the opening kick off of the superbowl. We'll eat, and play some CRAZY PINEAPPLE. (i'm also open to alternative games...suggestions welcome) and generally have a good time.

Let me know if yer in...
oh, and maybe we'll do 2 games that are 15 each? or we'll do a 25 dollar deep stack game...nice long play time.. :)

Who's in for chilli!! :)

1. Mark!
2. Nader (only if lindsay comes)
3. Mir (i know you like chilli)
4. Sandro (i know you like chilli more than poker)
5. Timmeh (just dont cook the Styrofoam this time!)
6. Lindz (non poker cool chick)
7. Ryan (wants to learn poker.....hmm..)
8. Adam

also...there will be a pool on the game as make it know..everyone puts a few bucks into who the winner will many touchdowns, how many interceptions..field goals...prop bets all round!


  • Awesome! Count me in for sure. I will bring some veggie chili (in non-styrofoam container, I promise).
  • We are out of town on Saturday for a Snow Volleyball tourney. Not sure if/when we will be back Sunday. So in other words talk to the boss.
  • which TV are you using?
  • pokerdro wrote: »
    We are out of town on Saturday for a Snow Volleyball tourney. Not sure if/when we will be back Sunday. So in other words talk to the boss.

    snow volleyball? is that what i think it is?
  • lol..i didn't even read the "snow volleyball tourney"
    As far as TV's go..i'm going to be using the downstairs one but the game will also be on the upstairs one...i dunno...i may be persuaded to move the poker table upstairs for the day...*ponder*
  • Or Adam could bust out early and watch upstairs in the 'losers lounge', haha
  • Or Adam could bust out early and watch upstairs in the 'losers lounge', haha

    easy now! heh.

    i don't care which tv or table is where.. just asking for interests' sake.
  • Take the (tent) down we are in.
  • hey ya'll..i'm thinking of getting like a 20 liter keg instead of asking people to bring booze...thoughts??
    i have to order it before 4pm today in!
  • Hi Mark,

    Im in, hubby is going to another party. thanks!
  • either keg, or no keg is fine by me.. just let me know how much to bring.
  • hi mark,

    my brother will come too if that is ok. anything we can bring?
  • No Keg Ya' it's bring some beer or whatever.....(not enough interest in the keg...:()
    Jen, bring some munchie type stuff (chips..natchos..etc..)
    And as always, more the goes off around 5pm! :)
  • Thanks very much Mark and Ther Nader:)
    Good games, good people, good times.
  • Thanks very much Mark and Ther Nader:)
    Good games, good people, good times.

    indeed. it was fun.

    thanks again for hosting.
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