Season 8 Game 2 Player's List

Jeff takes an early lead so far, but can he maintain it?

STR82ACE - Seat Reserved - 2008-01-25 15:36:57
Omar_Suarez - Seat Reserved - 2008-01-25 17:31:17
BusDriver - Seat Reserved - 2008-01-25 22:44:34
DWett - Seat Reserved - 2008-01-26 08:09:16
Derksen - Seat Reserved - 2008-01-26 09:11:22
hecktor - Seat Reserved - 2008-01-27 10:52:28
ACDC - Seat Reserved - 2008-01-28 09:50:02
GarryC - Seat Reserved - 2008-01-28 10:55:50
ElElliott - Seat Reserved - post
BigChrisEl - Seat Reserved - post
FishBoy - Seat Reserved - 2008-01-30 10:12:35
JHJ - Seat Reserved - post
MCflip73 - Seat Reserved - 2008-01-30 19:20:57


  • I'm in. Chris too.
  • Count me in.
  • Great game everyone...this new format seems to be work VERY well.

    Allen takes down first place tonight. He was short stacked going into three handed play, but his K8 sucked out on my K5 when the board came up K7959 (or similar), counterfeiting my two pair, and his 8 played. Heads up against Micheal's bigger stack, he played extremely well, and crippled Micheal in the 400/800 level of play. Two hands over, Allen came out the winner.

    I took down third place, and Rob (Hecktor) was bubble.

    Good game all, see you all next week.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Great game everyone...this new format seems to be work VERY well.

    Allen takes down first place tonight. He was short stacked going into three handed play, but his K8 sucked out on my K5 when the board came up K7959 (or similar), counterfeiting my two pair, and his 8 played. Heads up against Micheal's bigger stack, he played extremely well, and crippled Micheal in the 400/800 level of play. Two hands over, Allen came out the winner.

    I took down third place, and Rob (Hecktor) was bubble.

    Good game all, see you all next week.

    Congrats Allen on the nice win indeed...

    I had Allen by the ropes but there's really two key hands that did it for yours truly..., Allen was all-in with K5s vs my AJo, Allen managed to hit his 5 on the flop which sent majority of my chips over to him. The last hand put the nail in the coffin. I raised pre-flopped with da good ol' hockey sticks and Allen called with A8o - Allen hits the ace on the river and the rest is history.

    That's the way it is sometimes and the best hand doesn't always win!

    See y'all next week
  • I agree AJ - I'm enjoying the new format a lot.

    Congrats Allen (even though I don't think you read the forum). :D
  • I woke up this morning feeling very confused.

    Then I read the results and it got worse.....
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    I woke up this morning feeling very confused.

    Then I read the results and it got worse.....


    AJ and I actually managed to chip away at hecktor's stack little by little just in time for the horseshoe luck to run out. Allen was really short stacked when it got down to three....

    Allen was all-in at one point vs AJ and myself and managed to hit his straight to tripple up giving him extra breathing room to throw the knock out punch to AJ and eventually to yours truly....

    But like I said, great win indeed Allen! It's like "the little engine" that could and it did!
  • Congrats Allen, MCflip & AJ. I'm seeing a pattern of short stacks pulling off the "Just Get There" technique. In bookstores soon.

    I like the new format. Whether finishing in the money or not. From what I observed no one was blinded out. Everyone had to opportunity to pick their spots. Mind you some of those spots I wouldn't have picked, but that's what it's all about, playing your own game/style.
  • congrats on the win Allen
  • Great job Allen........ well said.... my horseshoe rain dry and it was chainsawed down within a few hands...well played to come back from the short stack.
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