Guelph Thursday (Jan 31)

Well..i'm at it again...we've been getting some great consistent players this game is a go...
thursday at 7pm....25 total (5 bounty)

Let me know if you wanna join in!

1. Mark
4. Drtyore (mark)
5. Monks
6. Adam
7. Timmeh
8. jen


  • Hey buddy,

    i'm in town this week ... was out of the province the last few weeks
    would love to play... is there enough room?

    send me a pm if you have some time
  • Count me in. Looking forward to another good game!
  • i'm in of course.. i'll see you then.

    could this be the first two table week...?
  • I'm like.. 70/30 for this I'll let you know ASAP

  • Will you have LOST on if not me out. Jen is in Keith is out.
  • lost will be on the tv
    keith is a wimp anyways! ;)
  • Quiane wrote: »
    lost will be on the tv
    keith is a wimp anyways! ;)

    does this mean we're going to miss the apprentice?
  • ught oh! sandro and mir are out (packing) so i'd like at least 6 confirmed players .... :)
    we need one more (confirmed) guys@!
  • well if i'm needed for the game, i'll come!

    But i call winning!!

  • awesome...and we'll see about the winning.. :) Well take a poll before the cards fly...
  • Uh-oh, I have a big customer meeting this afternoon that will stretch into the early evening. Since the game appears to be on the bubble I better say that I can't make it rather thank have 5 others waiting for me.
    Sincere apologies - I assure you I'd rather be playing with y'all.
  • This game is sooooo tentitive right now...i need at least one player to actually run! i'm sorry guys!
    I'll make up for it with 6 alarm chili on sunday??
    Drtyore are you in for sunday's game?
  • Quiane wrote: »
    This game is sooooo tentitive right now...i need at least one player to actually run! i'm sorry guys!
    I'll make up for it with 6 alarm chili on sunday??
    Drtyore are you in for sunday's game?

    just an idea.. but what about pushing the start time back to 7:30 or 8.. so tim can make it? if we only have like 6 people it shouldn't run too late?

    just throwing it out there.
  • i like how your mind works...timmeh balls in your court sir! :)
  • Quiane wrote: »
    i like how your mind works...timmeh balls in your court sir! :)

    gotta feed the addiction somehow. :)
  • prior engagements Sunday.. can't do it.. :(

  • Soo... is this on then?

  • If you make it 8pm I promise that I will be there. Mark, I will call you around 6:30 to see if we are on. I have your cell #.
  • IS on....we have 6 confirmed..start time 8pm..(if someone bails then we'll run wtih 5...:)
    sorry for the crazy up/down ness everyone!
    game on!
  • sounds good!

    see you all then.
  • should really keep them on hand but i'm there so irregularly
  • any word from timmeh?
  • shit...saw the directions post just's N1E7C1 225 silurian dr....
    hope you can make it!
  • post me if possible
  • Thanks again... a good game!

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Thanks again... a good game!


    indeed.. good game all.
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