Guelph Thursday ( January24)

We're at it again...this week...bounty..regular hold'em. 20 dollars +5 (bounty) and ..uhh...i think that's it?!

1. Mark
2. Sandro
3. Mir
4. Timmeh
5. Jen
6. Adam
7. Chris
8 Vicki (tent)
9. Keith (90%)
10. English's friend....can't remember his name...


  • you know it.
  • Hey I happen to be working dayshift, got room for one more? I've been to your place once before quite some time ago, if I could get a refresher on street name, and number that be great.

    Thanks, Chris
  • Pm Sent.... :)
  • Everybody going down tonight..just gimme your money. k thanks
  • we'll see blondie...we'll see...
  • good game all.
  • Yes, good fun. Did A take it down? If so, congrats (you A-10 wielding bastard):)
  • Hey thanks, for the game guys/gals. Thanks Mark, was fun. Hope I can make it again.
  • Yes, good fun. Did A take it down? If so, congrats (you A-10 wielding bastard):)

    haha.. yeah i ended up taking it down.. sucked out with my K9o against miranda's AQs...

    as for the AT it was bad timing for you.. i'm sure you'll have your chance to get lucky on me. :)

    see you next week.
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