Season 8 Begins Jan 24!!

It's been long enough.

SEASON 8 begins next Thursday January 24 at 8pm. There are few changes that we are going to see if they improve the game any.

First, starting stacks are 1500!

Second, a couple new blind levels will be added to the pre break schedule. We'll add a 30/60 level pre, and I'm considering a 75/150 level post break.

Third, blind levels from 150/300 on up will be 25mins long instead of 20mins. This should give abit more play for those who maintain a healthy stack throughout the game.

We'll give this format a run of say two or three weeks to see how it goes, and any changes we want to make after that we can for week four and for the remainder of the season. I"m hoping this will help eliminate the bingo-ness of the post break game we have been experiencing the last couple of seasons.

You should all be receiving the notices for the game from Home Poker Tour, and I would appreciate if you could reserve your seats as soon as possible to allow me enough time to arrange the tables, chips, and chairs.

Thanks, and good luck to everyone in SEASON 8!!!


  • While that sounds great how late is that going to make the evening? As I get up around 5 am a later night doesn't help me. I was looking to come back this season and play some games but if I do and it runs too late I may rethink that.

    You have done a great job there AJ so don't take these comments personally.

    Looking forward to Season 8.
  • maybe a 730 start might help..a little?
  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    maybe a 730 start might help..a little?

    I don't think you can change the start time with out getting feedback from most of the players. Some people from Toronto (or who work late) may find 7:30 too early.
  • I don't think an early start time is possible, just from my end. I suggest we play a couple of games based on this new format and see what happens. If it runs too late, we'll adjust it for the remainder of the season.

    here's the player's list for this week's game as of right now. I'll edit as necessary.

    STR82ACE - Seat Reserved - 2008-01-18 15:23:05
    DWett - Seat Reserved - 2008-01-19 08:21:18
    GarryC - Seat Reserved - 2008-01-19 08:22:55
    hecktor - Seat Reserved - 2008-01-19 11:10:00
    Omar_Suarez - Seat Reserved - 2008-01-19 21:16:08
    MCflip73 - Seat Reserved - 2008-01-21 07:28:32
    ACDC - Seat Reserved - 2008-01-21 08:27:02
    BigChrisEl - Seat Reserved - 2008-01-21 16:02:19
    ElElliott - Seat Reserved
    JHJ - Seat Reserved - 2008-01-21 19:10:35
    Max - Seat Reserved - tentative
    FishBoy - Seat Reserved - 2008-01-24 09:51:13
    IAMTILT - Seat Reserved - phone
    BusDriver - Seat Reserved - post
  • I've been looking at the number and if this is the new structure:


    With the 1500 starting chips making the 25 minutes levels later does not really change much, because of the extra chips.

    It only increases the patience factor by a few points. (7.5 to 7.7) but the skill level stays the same (Skill level 5)

    Please confirm the new blind levels.
  • I never did put the new structure through the Patience/Skill calculator, I guess I should have though in hindsight. Thought those changes would have more of an effect than that though.

    What do you suggest Chris? Any ideas?
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    I never did put the new structure through the Patience/Skill calculator, I guess I should have though in hindsight. Thought those changes would have more of an effect than that though.

    What do you suggest Chris? Any ideas?

    Well I was just stating that changing the length of blinds to 25 minutes doesn't really change much.

    Not sure what you are planning for the blinds, but the one I posted with the 1500 chips has a patience factor of 7.5 and a skill level of 5
  • Using your suggestions and making 25min levels, the Patience factor comes out to around 10 and Skill level is 6. Better indeed. Game length extends abit, but I'm thinking that shouldn't be a real factor, maybe an extra half hour. We only reached the Widow Maker once, and there were only 2players plus myself dealing, so the majority of players are still leaving early enough.

    Lets use this format for the first couple of games and get a feel for it.

    Thanks Chris for your help.

    Who else is in for Game 1??
  • Please reserve me a seat near the door, so when I bust out early I wont have to disturb anyone. :)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Using your suggestions and making 25min levels, the Patience factor comes out to around 10 and Skill level is 6. Better indeed. Game length extends abit, but I'm thinking that shouldn't be a real factor, maybe an extra half hour. We only reached the Widow Maker once, and there were only 2players plus myself dealing, so the majority of players are still leaving early enough.

    Lets use this format for the first couple of games and get a feel for it.

    Thanks Chris for your help.

    Who else is in for Game 1??

    AJ I was suggesting all the blind levels be 20 minutes, 25 minutes might make it a very long game.
  • Sorry Chris, misunderstood.

    Lets give it a try tonight and see how it plays out.
  • Can't say we weren't warned......
  • BusDriver took it down? It's about time some of you newbies got taken to school. Congrats Jeff!

    Yay...maybe Jeff will get permission to come out on Saturday night now ;)

    What did everyone think of the new structure? I liked it a lot. Although I wasn't there to the end, so I don't know how long the game lasted...
  • Re-Creation of table: 4 left.

    BusDriver (with short stack): chop?

    Table (in unison): no.

    BusDriver (confidently): Don't say I didn't offer.

    Structure was excellent, game ended around 11:45(ish). Might be a problem is the game gets deeper (15+players). For the amount we had it was good.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Re-Creation of table: 4 left.

    BusDriver (with short stack): chop?

    Table (in unison): no.

    BusDriver (confidently): Don't say I didn't offer.

    Structure was excellent, game ended around 11:45(ish). Might be a problem is the game gets deeper (15+players). For the amount we had it was good.

    I thought the structure was good as well, maybe there could be some tweaking on the high blind levels so if there is a lot of players the game would still end at around that time.
  • It was Justin, Darryl, Jeff, and Allen on the bubble, with Jeff being the short stack and Justin being the HUGE chip leader. Jeff asked about a chop, as he always does in this position, and everyone said no, ESPECIALLY Justin this time ;)

    Well, Justin should have agreed again, as Jeff got an unreal rush of cards against him again and Justin went out in fourth spot. The bubble went for almost three blind levels before Justin finally went out. Allen followed shortly after and it was Jeff and Darryl headsup. Darryl was playing the entire night extremely well, and had a nice stack, but one quick allin win from Jeff, and Jeff now had the lead. They played into the Widow Maker round, when Darryl finally caught KJ against Jeff's AQ. Jeff's 'much more superior' hand held out to win the game.

    Jeff, sorry, but the pic I took is just too dark to submit. I'll try to edit it abit before posting it.

    The structure of the game seemed to hold very well, took alot of the bingoness out of the game. We actually made it to the Widow Maker round last night and the game ended just before midnight, so it was too too bad. We'll keep this structure for the next game or two and then decide on any changes if any.

    Good game everyone. Thanks for coming out.
  • As always, it was a fun game. I found the structure tweaks played to my advantage, and found I had to make no adjustment to my game. If anything, it allowed me to be more observant and less obsessed about my chip count. Which also allowed me to observe Darryl playing some outstanding poker. At times it was like watching that full tilt commercial where Jennifer Harman lays down kings. I, however, didn’t play stellar poker, just patient poker. Within the first two blind levels my stack was down to under 600, and I basically decided to put the brakes on and wait until blinds were higher to get involved. A very long run of bad cards also helped in that decision. I never went much passed starting chips the whole night until we reached final 4.

    I hope that no one was annoyed with my smack talk, but you have to admit it makes for great stories to tell your grandchildren. If I hadn’t said nothing, I’d just be that lucksack who came back from the short-stack to win it. By calling your shot beforehand it’s like Babe Ruth coming up to the plate and pointing out to the bleachers where he’s going to hit a home run.
  • By calling your shot beforehand it’s like Babe Ruth coming up to the plate and pointing out to the bleachers where he’s going to hit a home run.

    Only difference is...Babe could do it EVERYTIME!! ;)
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