Pl Omaha Tournament!


:ac :kc POT LIMIT OMAHA:ad :kd

Date: Saturday January 19 2008
Time: 6pm start (please be ontime)
Location: Brampton (directions and contact information supplied on request)
Buyin: $50
Starting Chips: 5000
Total Field: up to 16 players MAX
Payout: 50/30/20

Blinds: as follows, Ryder Cup format for the most part, but 30min levels. Breaks can be discussed and agreed to prior to game start, but the one I have here is for dinner (pizza, Chinese, whatever).

25 50
50 100
100 200
150 300
200 400 (new level)
Colour Up Break 20mins (could be longer, depending on food/dinner)
300 600
400 800
500 1000 (new level)
600 1200
1000 2000
1500 3000
2000 4000
3000 6000

Tried to give as much play as possible here, but with PLO, it could go quite faster then expected. Still, should end around midnight I'm thinking.

This is Omaha HIGH!



    Anything else going on tonight? I was really looking forward to a game. If someone knows of something let me know.
  • welcome back.
  • If only I wasn't being tortured in golds at the leaf game that night I would so be in. For the record though I am a leaf fan, just finding it difficult to watch this year with any expectation of what i will see.

    Sorry, bump for this great tournament...

  • BBC Z wrote: »
    welcome back.

    What he said!
  • PLO.... come on AJ, you know I'm there!
  • Hey AJ Can you add JOe and I to this list ... I do beleive we can both make it.... Will be fun to play at your house again .... thanks :)
  • Be good to you both out again. Hoping this game happens, been wanting to play some live PLO for some time now...might be a semi regular game if enough interest gets generated.
  • I'm a maybe on this. Hopefully someone else from KW wants to go and we can carpool.
  • moose wrote: »
    I'm a maybe on this. Hopefully someone else from KW wants to go and we can carpool.

    I might be interested in going Rob. It will probably be a last minute decision though.
  • sheesh come on people I so want to play in this get ready to go ..... I want to play lol ????????????????:)
  • Thinking we can make this happen with as few as 6 confirmed players, no less. Would much rather have a couple full tables, but six would be the minimum to run this game.

    Moose/WaltsFriend, let me know soon if you can make it. Would like to see more KW representation as well.
  • I might be interested in going Rob. It will probably be a last minute decision though.
    Same here, but I won't know if I can make it until late next week.

  • List is updated, including TENTATIVE players. Still open seating available for anyone who wants to join in.

    Please confirm your seats ASAP. I would like to know for sure by Friday night at the latest so I can plan the game for Saturday.

  • Greg and I are confirmed for Saturday.
  • Indeed.

  • Thanks guys! Should be a good game! ;)
  • moose is in our carpool so you can probably untentavate him as well.

  • lol...thanks Moose...done and done.
  • Still seats available for this game on Saturday. If you're interested, either PM or post on this thread to reserve your seat.

    If anyone needs address/directions/contact info, please ask and I'll send it to you in a PM.

  • I hate to do this AJ but my daughters in a basketball tourney and given how they finished up tonight it looks like they will be playing into Saturday evening with a 5:15 game. Aimee and I won't be able to make it.
  • ALL I CAN SAY IS :(:(:(:(:(:( I dont like doing that either but Basketball for Joe kid comes way first ... We didnt know till the last minute other wise we would not have put us down for this sorry AJ....
  • Sorry to hear that guys. Next time.

    I'll keep the seating open until game time, so if anyone else is interested in playing, throw a post up and I'll get you all the contact info you need. Game time is 6pm.
  • Well, damn....looks like Justin is out now.

    Okay, basically, what we'll do is wait for those that want to play to come out, and we'll decide what we're doing.
  • Sorry AJ, the 3 of us (g2, moose, waltsfriend) gotta bail too. Hopefully next time we can get a better turnout.

  • AJ, we apologize but since we are now 50% of the tournament, we are going to do something else. Personally I was really looking forward to coming out to your place for a nice tournament. PLO rocks.

    If you would like to head out our way and go to BCC or meet up at Seneca let us know.
  • Well, a three man PLO game just isn't going to happen I guess. Thought for sure this game would happen tonight though, maybe next time.

    I would like to play tonight though. Prefer something local, but I'll consider your suggestions...what time were you thinking about heading out??
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