Guelph Thursday! ( Jan 10)

Hey ya'll....i'm back at it in the new year....a 20 dollar SnG will be played on thursday, starting at 7pm. This will be regular fancy games this week!
Hopefully we'll see everyone out!

1. Mark
2. Jimmy
3. Cowboy Mike
4. Sandro
5. Miranda
6. Jen
7. Keith
8. Timmeh


  • i should be able to make it. and yes Jim i will take you're bad beats again
  • Add Jen and Keith as well.
  • Nice~!
    hey, sandro, can you email me..i have an idea i want to run by you, and i dont have your email addy....i figure maybe you'll get an email via this crazy thing...
  • where do you guys play?
  • Grange and Starwood area..east end of guelph..
    Game starts at 7ish

  • Count me in!
  • Quiane wrote: »
    hey, sandro, can you email me..i have an idea i want to run by you, and i dont have your email addy....i figure maybe you'll get an email via this crazy thing...

    PMed you my email
  • Quiane wrote: »
    Grange and Starwood area..east end of guelph..
    Game starts at 7ish


    cool.. how many do you usually get out.. and how often? any students?
  • We typically end up with a solid one table...students are always welcome, we're all 25 and older, but it's a very welcoming crowd!
    Do you live in guelph?
  • Quiane wrote: »
    We typically end up with a solid one table...students are always welcome, we're all 25 and older, but it's a very welcoming crowd!
    Do you live in guelph?

    yeah.. i just live downtown.. i don't play live too much.. so it would be nice to get some experience.. not sure if i can make it this week.. but i may keep it in mind.

    and.. since the whole ramada bust.. call me paranoid.. but.. not too sure if it's worth the risk. not that i know much about that either.
  • hehe..there is no risk in a home game environment..espically one that is taking no rake...
    Were you at the ramada when it was busted?? i use to play at those games all the time!
  • Quiane wrote: »
    hehe..there is no risk in a home game environment..espically one that is taking no rake...
    Were you at the ramada when it was busted?? i use to play at those games all the time!

    haha.. no i wasn't there.. just read about it here..

    i'll see what i'm up to on thursday.. maybe drop in. thanks for the invite.
  • Hilbert,
    I can vouch for the safeness of the game (no rake, ever) and it's a great bunch of people as well. I live downtown too - feel free to PM me if you decide to play and need a ride.
  • Hilbert,
    I can vouch for the safeness of the game (no rake, ever) and it's a great bunch of people as well. I live downtown too - feel free to PM me if you decide to play and need a ride.

    thanks for the offer.. i'll see what i am up to.. but hopefully i will be able to drop in.
  • i should be able to make it so.. how many people do you have coming.. and what would be the best way to get the directions?
  • send me an email at quiane AT hotmail DOT com.
  • Quiane wrote: »
    send me an email at quiane AT hotmail DOT com.

    ok.. sent! :)
  • lots of fun guys.. hopefully i'll be able make it out to some more.
  • good to see you out. btw that stupid blonde won :)
  • pokerdro wrote: »
    good to see you out. btw that stupid blonde won :)

    haha.. did i miss any interesting hands?
  • damn broads!!
  • Great game everyone. Good to see some new blood in the game (well played A) and congrats to Jen on the win (and being crowned official 2008 Suck-out Queen, lol).
    See y'all again soon.
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