Bristol POTY Freeroll?

I had thought of an idea recently in light of the fact that Mario won the POTY and had appropriately mentioned it to a few women that we had met at a bar. The women were obviously really impressed to hear that he was in fact the Bristol Street 2007 player of the year! They inquired, "what is that you actually won when you were named the BS2007POTY?" All we could come up with was that he had won the respect and admiration of his peers. As you all know, this was only partially true.

I couldn't believe that with all the accolades of Mario being this seasons champ that I was the only one to walk away with one of the fine ladies numbers. Perhaps they put more weight on the fact that I had won the 2005 Tournament of Champions, atleast I bagged $400.00 for that.

Well in an effort to avoid another embarrassing interaction for future 'player of the year' champions, I had thought it may be a nice change to consider taking a small portion of each prize pool out so that the POTY atleast gets a freeroll into the Tournament of Champions. 12 tournaments/$50= $4.17. You could round it up to 420 for those of you that like that kinda thing.

Anyway, obviously this would be Zithal's decision ultimately but I thought I would throw it out there. I just noticed that Ching Hill does this in there respective league. Let us know your thoughts....



  • that's a good idea. POY should not pay for T.O.C.

    but for the record, if I had won...I'd have been able to close. You tell them the cumulative total of your bristol cashes for the year.
  • Don't take the money out of each tourney....just let the POTY in free. ie $50 smaller pool for the final. I know it's only $4 ( and it's only like $.15 per person)but you don't want that coming out of the pockets of people who can't play for it. All it takes is 1 guy who's like Q: "where's the $4 going?". A:
    "that's to pay for the entry of a guy you don't know into a tourney you're not inivited to".
  • stpboy wrote: »

    I couldn't believe that with all the accolades of Mario being this seasons champ that I was the only one to walk away with one of the fine ladies numbers. Perhaps they put more weight on the fact that I had won the 2005 Tournament of Champions, atleast I bagged $400.00 for that.


    Thanks for the insult and complamint at the same time well done. As for the ladies I don't need to number drop to close the deal. "Zing" As for PLOY i agree with nick let them in for free. We are playing pretty much for pride anyway(pst kristy you owe me $50 now:) ).
  • no, I'm only agreeing for NEXT year...when I win. ;)
  • ItsaMe wrote: »
    As for the ladies I don't need to number drop to close the deal. "Zing"
    Mario's right. Numbers aren't his problem, remembering their names is.

    Personally, I like things the way they are now. You win, you get money, and if you win more often (and get POTY), you've won more money. What happens if you free-roll into POTY (or money's taken out for it) and you can't play (scheduling conflicts, etc.). I say leave it how it is.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    no, I'm only agreeing for NEXT year...when I win. ;)

    hahaha you forgot who is back in town now.
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