Season 7 SET GAME Player's Listing

Season 7 SET Game is scheduled for Thursday January 3 2008 at 8pm.

If you're on this list, you are eligible to play. I've added your starting chip stack (based on points earned during the season) as well as your buyin for this game.

Greg, being the Season Champ, freerolls this game and will get his $10/game played during the season. Again, Congradulations Greg!!!


A.J. 1450 $0.00 CONFIRMED
Eleanor 1350 $10.00 CONFIRMED
Chris E 1360 $10.00 CONFIRMED
Derek 1125 $60.00 TENTATIVE
Jeff 1315 $10.00 CONFIRMED
Justin HJ 1250 $30.00 CONFIRMED
Max 1225 $50.00 CONFIRMED
Kris K 1265 $10.00 CONFIRMED
Stephen K 1410 $0.00 CONFIRMED
Garry 1230 $30.00 CONFIRMED
Allen 1210 $40.00 CONFIRMED
Lisa 1120 $70.00 NOT ATTENDING
Micheal 1280 $20.00 CONFIRMED
Darryl 1325 $10.00 CONFIMRED
Greg 1515 -$80.00 CONFIRMED


  • No trash talk???

  • wish I had qualified; maybe next season. btw, what happens if a player played all 12 tournaments in the season. Do they get back their $40 extra?
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    wish I had qualified; maybe next season. btw, what happens if a player played all 12 tournaments in the season. Do they get back their $40 extra?

    The final game is basically $120. $10 from each game goes that final game. If you miss a game you need to make up the different. If you attended all the games then you pay nothing.

    I missed one game so I owe $10.

    New this year was that the winner of the season gets Free rolled into the last game, so they get back the money they paid for the final game.

    I hope this answers your questions PokerJah.

  • Looks like Lisa won't be making it out tonight, and I'm having trouble getting ahold of Max, so we may be 2 players short tonight. Still should be a great game though.

    Jim, Chris's explanation is bang on accurate. Technically, the SET game is $120 each, with the $10 portion coming from every game you play. The player is still responsible to make up the difference, IF they have the minimum game requirement satisfied.
  • ok, thanks. I think the (-80) confused me as I figured the freeroll would be for $120. Hope my $20 goes to a worthy cause.
  • i played in 8 games so i get 80 back.

    too bad about the others not making it. i would have liked that prize pool to be maxed out when i take it down.
  • Derek just emailed me. He's feeling abit under the weather, but will try to make it out to the game. He may just stay home though if he doesn't feel much better.

    Edit; Derek is OUT, unless some miracle drug can be found near his street corner that will perk him up.
  • AJ, I am a long time lurker, and just registered last week (Xmas computer). I'm interested in next season but do not have PM privileges yet. When will it start? I may have enough posts by then.
  • Not positive yet, but it should be in another couple of weeks. We usually take two weeks off and then come back on the third week to start the new season. When you get PM going, send me your email addy and I'll add it to the players list so you will get notified of all the games as well as I can send you the rules.
  • Thanks. Will do.
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