Hey everyone, "waltsfriend" got me thinking of a great idea for this weekend. Serving potluck for the dinner break at the GRAND FINAL!

So, Please use this space to mention what you're bringing, waltsfriend has already offered to do up two trays of lasagna, (one veggie, one meat) so that's a fantastic start.

I'm adding rumaki to the offering as a appetizer. While something lavish is cool, bringing chips and dip is also fine.

Here's the list so for...

"waltsfriend" : two lasagnas; veggie, meat
"Zithal:" rumaki (bacon wrapped deliciousness)
"Kristy_sea": cheese & crackers
"stpboy" : pgis in a blanket?
"labeeach2002" : pita / dip
"westwide" : pop and stuff
"Mark" : gross beer mini keg.
"moose" : dessert


  • Hey Sandy you're amazing! Thanks for remembering us veggies!

    Rob is 'rumaki' the waterchestnut one? If not- I'll do that for the meat eaters, cheese and crackers for anyone else.

    If it is, eff the meat eaters-I'll just buy better cheese.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Hey Sandy you're amazing! Thanks for remembering us veggies!

    Rob is 'rumaki' the waterchestnut one? If not- I'll do that for the meat eaters, cheese and crackers for anyone else.

    If it is, eff the meat eaters-I'll just buy better cheese.

    Yep bacon-wrapped waterchestnuts soaked in soy sauce. It's heaven.
  • only two culinary abilities lie in Spinach and Feta Lasagna and what I now know is Rumaki.

    Cheese and Crackers FTW!
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Hey Sandy you're amazing! Thanks for remembering us veggies!

    I can accommodate the vegetarians - not the vegans though. I have no idea how to make a lasagna without cheese - sorry Tyson.
  • I'll bring Mark's favourite, penis wrapped in underwear. I'll bring an appetizer as well.

  • I'll bring pita's and dip.

  • If no one called drinks yet, I don't mind bringing non-alcoholic drinks??

    Leave your preference. :D
  • Meh.. eff that

    I'll bring one of those Heineken pony kegs

    Kinda my thing

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Meh.. eff that

    I'll bring one of those Heineken pony kegs

    Kinda my thing


    You're in to ponies? Why doesn't that seem all that outrageous to me?
  • Ummm.....

    Because you've known me more than 20 minutes?

  • I can accommodate the vegetarians - not the vegans though. I have no idea how to make a lasagna without cheese - sorry Tyson.

    It's not that difficult but it is time consuming. I could give you a recipes for Tofu Ricotta...... which I make and put into my Vegan lasagna. Also there is Vegan gourmet "cheese" that is available.
  • Well I was going to say, screw you veggie people and order a Pepi's meat lovers...but I'll bring dessert instead.
  • I'm bringing a whole *Can O' Whip Ass!*

    *placeholder for what food product I decide to bring.
  • How many of the 18 finalists don't eat meat? I'm a meat lover myself and I now have this craving for this Pepi's that I keep hearing about. I'm willing to pay for the Pepi's (vegetarian?), KFC or whatever the players want to order in for the meal break.
    moose wrote: »
    order a Pepi's meat lovers...
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    How many of the 18 finalists don't eat meat? I'm a meat lover myself and I now have this craving for this Pepi's that I keep hearing about. I'm willing to pay for the Pepi's (vegetarian?), KFC or whatever the players want to order in for the meal break.

    How about this idea... if you're not bringing a dish, pitch in and we'll use that money to order some Pepi's.
  • Pepi's don't do vegetarian.
  • They use vegitarians as a topping :D
  • actually they do a fantastic vegetarian used to get eaten BEFORE the meat sometimes at the games I used to host (and I was the only official veg.)

    I think this is sort of unneccessary though, I'm really looking forward to Sandy's lasagna. I am definately NOT in.
  • Pepi's is sooooooooooooo good!!!!!!! I like Rob's idea. If someone isnt interested in bringing anything and just wants to throw in money go for it.
  • Hrmm...

    So I guess no one is in for the cheeseless pesto amore - whole grain thin crust, with black olives, roasted red peppers, red onions and sun dried tomatoes from sleeza peeza?

    Maybe a sushi tray?
  • Pepi's is sooooooooooooo good!!!!!!! I like Rob's idea. If someone isnt interested in bringing anything and just wants to throw in money go for it.

    I really do want the focus to be non-take out foods though. I don't want to overload the Pepi's so we'll treat it like an app or, possibly a late night snack as the cash games wear on.

    Redington - both ideas sound great!!
  • If someone isnt interested in bringing anything and just wants to throw in money go for it.

    Another possibility for someone who doesn't want to cook anything is to bring paper plates and cutlery. Bad for the environment but makes clean up easier.
  • Jenn will bring a dessert of some sort...
  • Thanks to my better half, I will be bringing egg tortillas, a fruit tray & Pringles. There is a snowstorm warning starting at around 9 PM, so I wonder if staying overnight in the basement with my sleeping bag is an option.
    Zithal wrote: »
    I really do want the focus to be non-take out foods though. I don't want to overload the Pepi's so we'll treat it like an app or, possibly a late night snack as the cash games wear on.
  • I think Im going to be bringing veggies and dip....

  • I will be about 15 minutes late. I'm leaving now.

    Also, I know it's not original and it's easy, but I'm, bringing store bought potato and macaroni salad.

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