saturday home game (need suggestions)

hi everyone,

been awhile. i moved to hamilton been really busy to make any bristols..

but im hvaing a home game saturday w/ a few friends from work. there will be about 8 of us playing we would like to play 2 games... throughout the night maybe 4 hour games each..

what would the best blind structure to use?

i was thinking T5000 chips. blinds start at 25-50 double each level 15 minute blinds? would this work?

thanks alot.



  • 8 ppl * 5000 starting stack = 40000 chips in play / 20BB finish = 1000/2000

    500/1000 (i'm pretty sure it'll end here or soon after)
    1000/2000 (widowmaker round - will not last past here unless they're the nittiest of nits)

    So 10 rounds, and you want each game to last 4 hours
    4 * 60 / 10 = 24 minute rounds

    I'd go with 20 minute rounds, then you've got time for breaks, colour ups etc.

  • i moved to hamilton been really busy to make any bristols.
    I only made it to one Bristol this season. If you ever want more players in your Hamilton home game, let me know. My friends occasionally have home games in Oakville or Mississauga, but they rarely get a full table.

    g2's structure looks good. If you have some impatient players like we do who complain that the blinds are going up too slow, ??? you can take out the 150/300 level.
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