Guelph Thursday?

Hey Guys...
Anyone interested in a rake free tourney at my place on thursday...7pm start? 20 dollar (15 pot 5 bounty)...either holdem or horse (i love horse)..
Sign up now...i'd like to have 7 or 8 players to run this bad boy...

Sorry..this is in guelph...i'll PM addy if needed


  • Count me in. Hope you can get enough. Never played HORSE but willing to try...NLHE good too.
  • hopefully we can get enough as well.....i think sandro and mir are in...not sure about the rest!
  • Come on gang....
    as a small added incentive, if I do not go all in at least once in the first two blind levels I will throw another $10 into the prize pool lol
  • as of right now we have

    1. Mark
    2. Cowboy
    3. Mir
    4. Sandro
    5. Timmeh

    that's it so far...a few more please! :D
  • Come on people... Lets play some poker.... PLAY
  • this game is a go!
    we'll see everyone tonight1 :)
    timmeh! looking forward to it! :)
  • Hey Guys Horse is so cool. I would love to play. From Toronto.

    Nut i take a few trips to Guelph since i graduated from there.

    PM me next time you have another game. If i am in town i would love to join in!!!

    I have some friends in Guelph so it would be cool.
  • Great Game guys!!! lots of fun! hopefully we can do this again nexts week?? who's in?!
  • Quiane wrote: »
    Great Game guys!!! lots of fun! hopefully we can do this again nexts week?? who's in?!

    i might be!!! Can i possibly bring someone? Is it Horse? Or NL?

    I can drve out there, have to visit a few folks anyway.

    You near the Univeersity Center?
  • Thanks for hosting, Mark. Fun game and great to see the Guelph gang again.
    I am tentatively in for next Thurs.
  • where are these games at? haven't played in a little while. if u guys are playing again next week let me know. id be down for any kind of game.
  • Yep...if i can get enought interest we'll be running next week...i wouldn't mind a horse tourney, or something of the like (even 7 stud?? anyone?)
    I'll be posting the game on sunday...these games are in the grange/ starwood area of guelph. As a side note, as it seems to be important on here..these games are rake free! :D
    BYOs and BYOD...
  • sorry mark...would love to come but I'm working

    GL to all
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