
Please remove my status as MODERATOR and remove the Ching Hill child board from the main forum, effective immediately.



  • Looks like I missed something.

    No more Ching Hill? What about the rest of the season?
  • Greg is going to be pissed... I'm not telling him... no seriously, what gives?
  • AJ, I'm sorry it came to this. I understand you pulling out from mod status. No-one can put up with the job for long. ScottyZ was the best ever and even he hasn't been back to the board for about 10 months.

    However, quiting mod and deliberately hurting the forum by pulling Ching Hill are two different things. I am sure somewhere in your heart there is a small happy place for the forum still existing. I hope you will calm down and reconsider.
  • thanks for efforts as mod, aj. no, i'm not pissed. not even particularly surprised.

    see you on 'the hill'...
  • ElElliott wrote: »
    Looks like I missed something.

    No more Ching Hill? What about the rest of the season?

    I think we will still have a Ching Hill Season, it just sounds like whatever happened, AJ just wants the Ching Hill Board shut down.
  • Games are still on at the usual time and place. We'll discuss next season at that time. Steve's right, I'm discontinuing my involvement here at this forum. I'll try to set up another venue for games and league events in the near future.

    Ching Hill lives...just not here.
  • hellloooooo facebook.
  • that's too bad; seems like a good venue to get new members.
  • I think you should leave ching hill here AJ>.. I know you didnt like the post that haddon made.. But I have to admit it was funny... I dont know what really happened between you and Kristy.. But, I think it is unfair to us forumers who like to check out Ching Hill. And come play to loose this thread..

    I understand you were doing your job. Now unless you got a pm from someone who complained about that post, I do beleive in haddons own way it was just as he said . His way of saying hello and I am back on the forum..
    I hope you can over look this and at least keep Ching hill here.. I beleive being a mod for a forum like this is hard.. But I do agree with Joe on the off the topic lounge being kinda for anything.. And I also beleive that if you dont like something dont read it.. At least that is what I do.. or I give my opinion on it..

    HOpe you decide to keep Ching hill here. :)
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