BusDriver Gains some traction!

Imagine if you will...blinds 300/600 heads up. Jeff has 300 in chips against Justin's 9700. Five double ups later, Jeff leaves with the first place money!!


Tonight was one of those nights that having the best hand preflop meant very little, as they were continually being beaten by lessor hands throughout the night. Jeff capitalized on this trend, pushing with weakness and doubling up enough to take Justin down quickly. Jeff's 103o would hit a boat. Justin's AKs would get hammered by A9 when a nine came on the river. All Justin could do was watch and whimper quietly as his massive stack moved towards Jeff's broadening smiling face ;)

Eleanor took third place tonight, again falling victim to Jeff's ability to depend on the suckout trend of the night. Bubble was Micheal, who played very well, but only to come up short once again this week.

Great game everyone. See you all next week.


  • Congrats Jeff. You went on a heater at the perfect time. Nice comeback, the sponsor will be proud.

    The moment that defined the night as the night of all suckouts had to be the late-stage chip race. Bus & I are racing for a single blue chip. I have two reds, he has 1. Chris deals me a 4 and a 5. Then he deals Bus a 3. Hee.

    Last night was fun - lots of jokes and laughter. Nice to not take the game too seriously.
  • well done! Lets see if Greg can be stopped next week.
  • Well played Jeff.

    As karma plays out, pocket 6's takes it down.
  • Good game last night.

    I guess you are not bringing ugly back then Jeff.
  • ElElliott wrote: »
    Congrats Jeff. You went on a heater at the perfect time. Nice comeback, the sponsor will be proud.

    The moment that defined the night as the night of all suckouts had to be the late-stage chip race. Bus & I are racing for a single blue chip. I have two reds, he has 1. Chris deals me a 4 and a 5. Then he deals Bus a 3. Hee.

    Last night was fun - lots of jokes and laughter. Nice to not take the game too seriously.

    I couldn't agree more El, 4 and 5 winning the chip race basically defined how the cards were running all night. If a gutshot was needed to be hit, it got hit, if a 2 outer was needed on the river it came. Perfect perfect draws where had by all. I think by the end of the night, nothing was surprising anyone anymore. I remember clearly Justin calling out for a Jack on the river which aloud me to suckout on him. A few hands later, I called for a 9 which permited Justin to bad beat me. When he asked "Why did I do it", I said, I was just returning the favor. lol.

    I think with my comeback from 300, I can claim the mostly unlikiest win ever in Ching Hill history.

    I think I only played two serious hands all night, JJ, and KK, everything else I either stole, or lucksacked my way into the money.
  • If a gutshot was needed to be hit, it got hit, if a 2 outer was needed on the river it came. Perfect perfect draws where had by all.

    Not quite for everyone!
    I think with my comeback from 300, I can claim the mostly unlikiest win ever in Ching Hill history.

    Close, but I think my 2chip victory is still the holder of most unlikely win...but you did give it the old college try last night.
    I think I only played two serious hands all night, JJ, and KK, everything else I either stole, or lucksacked my way into the money.

    Ummmmmmm, isn't that the way you ALWAYS play anyway ;)
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