Bristol St. H.O.R.S.E. Event 2 - Sun., Dec 2nd, 2pm (Waterloo)

The Bristol Street Nightclub and Casino presents...

:s: :h: THE BRISTOL STREET H.O.R.S.E. Event :d: :c:
H.O.R.S.E. Tournament
Sunday, Dec 2nd - 2:00pm
(doors open at 1:30pm)

$30 Freeze-out

$$$ Pay-out $$$
1st place - 45%
2nd place - 25%
3rd place - 15%
4th place - 10%
5th place - 5%

Each player will receive 6000 chips for their $30 buyin. You are eliminated from the tourney when you lose all your chips, or chose not to re-buy during the re-buy period. The tourney will not stop, except for short breaks, until one player holds all the chips. That player will be declared the 1st place finisher. The last player eliminated will be the 2nd place finisher, the second last player eliminated will be the 3rd place finisher, etc..

Late players: If you know you're going to be late, please phone and a seat and chips will be set out for you and you will post blinds and fold until you arrive. Players that are late that haven't let me know will give up their seat to the next player on the waiting list. If there's no one left on the waiting list, late players may buy into the tournament during the first level, but must immediately post the big and small blind if the blinds have passed them.

Waiting List players: Players on the waiting list will fill no shows at the start of the tournament to a maximum of 32. The remaining players on the waiting list are alternates. Until the first break, when a player busts out and chooses not to re-buy, you have the option of joining the tournament at that point with a starting chip stack.

The tournament will last approximately 7-8 hours (depending on turnout). A small dinner break will be taken if needed. Seating is limited to 32 players with alternates. (8 max tables) Please reserve your seat in advance!! The final table will form with 9 players left.

Blind schedule is listed below.

As always, tournaments at Bristol Street are rake-free. This tournament will count in the Player of the Year race, and the winner gets an invitation to the Bristol Street 2007 GRAND FINAL. (Dec. 15th)

BOYB, BYOsnacks


  • Reserve List

    1. "Zithal" Rob
    2. "8Ball" Tye
    3. "Dirty Whore" Mark
    4. "ItsaMe" Mario
    5. "Moose" Rob
    6. "waltsfriend" Sandy
    7. "stpboy" Shannon
    8. "800Over" Nik
    9. "Hobbes" Ron
    10. "beanie42" Trevor
    11. "haddon" Josh
    12. "Kristy_sea" Kristy
    13. "peteski" Pete
    14. "morty" Sean
    15. "DataMn" Al (?)

    Blinds Schedule (20 Mintute Blinds)

    <level#>. <GAME> Small Blind|Big Blind|Small Bet|Big Bet ...or...
    <level#>. <GAME> Ante|Bring-in|Small Bet|Big Bet

    Starting chips (6,000) Breakdown.
    Red (5) x 10
    Green (25) x 10
    Black (100) x 12
    Purple (500) x 7

    1. HOLDEM 5/10/10/20
    2. O8 10/15/15/30
    3. RAZZ 5/10/20/40
    4. STUD 5/10/25/50
    5. STUD8 5/15/30/60
    (10 Minute Break)
    6. HOLDEM 20/40/40/80
    7. O8 25/50/50/100
    8. RAZZ 10/25/75/150
    9. STUD 15/30/100/200 (remove Red (5) from play)
    (15 Minute Break)
    10. STUD8 25/50/150/300
    11. HOLDEM 100/200/200/400
    12. O8 150/300/300/600
    13. RAZZ 50/100/400/800
    14. STUD 75/150/500/1000 (remove Green (25) from play)
    (15 Minute Break) (+15 Minutes if Food Break is needed)
    15. STUD8 100/200/600/1200
    16. HOLDEM 400/800/800/1600
    17. O8 500/1000/1000/2000
    (5 Minute Break)
    18. RAZZ 200/500/1500/3000
    19. STUD 300/600/2000/4000
    20. STUD8 500/1000/3000/6000 (remove Black(100) from play)
    (10 Minute Break)
    21. HOLDEM 2000/4000/4000/8000
    22. O8 2500/5000/5000/10000 (**Estimated End of Tournament - 24 Players)
    23. RAZZ 1000/2000/6000/12000
    24. STUD 1000/2500/8000/16000
    25. STUD8 1500/3000/10000/20000
  • NOTE: I'm currently using the same blind structure as last year, but I'm willing to entertain alternates.

    The benefit of the above is that is gives a couple hours to get familiar with each of the games with little chances of busting.. The downside is that it makes for a longer game.

    Hope to see you out!
  • Me and Mario if you please

    (Don't worry, it's limit.... Mario SUCKS at limit)

  • memememememe
  • Sign me up please.
  • Sign me up please.

  • I've got $30 to donate.
  • I'll Donate.
  • Sign me up, please.
  • (Haddon) Josh in please

  • I'm in.....
  • sign me up yo
  • Sign me up too please
  • Put me down as tentative...

    If the weather is bad enough between here and Niagara I can stay here and play!!

    Am I a bad son for hoping that a big snowstorm happens in Hamilton on that day??

  • First last call for players!
  • Sorry, gotta bail today.
  • I'm back in.
  • DataMn wrote: »
    Put me down as tentative...

    If the weather is bad enough between here and Niagara I can stay here and play!!

    Am I a bad son for hoping that a big snowstorm happens in Hamilton on that day??


    Evil, evil man.
  • I can now make it thanks to the weather postponing my wife's shopping trip.
  • Quimby wrote: »
    I can now make it thanks to the weather postponing my wife's shopping trip.

    I cannot now make it due to my wife's shopping trip.
  • I will be a little late. Please blind me in.
  • Update please.
  • First two out

    DrTyore Mark
    Westside8 Wes

  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Update please.
    I just busted out in fourth. Waltsfriend, stpboy, and Haddon are still in it.
  • Shannon came back from the very short stack and doubled up twice. He and I ended up heads up, with Shannon up by about 10 000 chips. He had a 2-1 chip lead going into the first hand of hold-em. I picked up pocket kings. I slow played them until I went all-in on the turn. Shannon showed K-Q of spades for an open-ended straight and flush draw. The ace of spades on the river gave him the straight and the flush.

  • Shannon came back from the very short stack and doubled up twice. He and I ended up heads up, with Shannon up by about 10 000 chips. He had a 2-1 chip lead going into the first hand of hold-em. I picked up pocket kings. I slow played them until I went all-in on the turn. Shannon showed K-Q of spades for an open-ended straight and flush draw. The ace of spades on the river gave him the straight and the flush.

    Always a bridesmaid. gg Sandy. Congrats Shannon.

  • Thanks all.

    To think, I was sitting on my stairs at my house frustrated with not being able to get out of my driveway due to the snow and the fact that I drive a golf. I was about to call it a day and just watch some NFL but saw that Buffalo was getting it handed to them again so, I call up 'ma boyfriend' Mark who so graciously picked me up while getting blinded out himself.

    I walk in and announce to everyone, "you know I'm going to win this now?". Small chuckles. I think the Irony in all of this is that Mark, who was the nice guy to pick me up, ended up having a horrible (poker) day and busting first. I guess it would have been worse if I was the one to have eliminated him. Damn Haddon!!!

    I was chip leader or pretty close to it (with Haddon) with 12-14 players remaining. With four left Josh completes in position with a 7 showing (stud). I also had a 7 showing (not Ace-7, just a single 7). I also had another 7 under. I decide that I'm pretty much gonna call Haddon down unless something ridiculous happens. He's been getting out of hand and 'there's a new sheriff in town'. We get all the way to the river with me just weakly calling him the whole way, you know, letting him hang himself. I end up raising him on the river with my 7th'd street 2 pair QQ77. Haddon re-raises me up and shows AA99 once I call. I'm down to 8K. The Bring in is 500 and the complete is 3K. I'm in trouble.

    Somehow I outlast trevor who had a sick run of bring-ins and was clearly getting frustrated with his lack of ability to win when he was ahead.

    I double up off Haddon when he rivers a pair of 8's to what was my ace high, I river a pair of queens to take it down.

    I double up again off Haddon when I have 9k9 split in Stud and he shows I think A high. I end up with two pair to his zero pair. Haddon looks as though he's ready to go home, I only say this because he announced "i'm ready to go home". Sandy eventually takes Haddon out.

    We count the chips and I'm up about 10K 66k-56k. We play a couple of hands in stud8 and I take down a significant one when my first 4 cards gives me a OESD. I end up pairing 7's and raise Sandy (who's been betting the whole time) to slow her down. I end up making two pair to her one pair that she rivered. She was on a low draw, they never come. I read that in a book once.

    Final hand Is the first hand of hold em', I get KQs and promply raise. Sandy calls. Flop 10 7 6 rainbow. I bet, Sandy calls. Turn comes a Js now giving me an OESD as well as a flush draw (the 7s). I continue to bet with this sick draw. Sandy raises me up leaving her with only another half a bet. I put her all in, she calls and shows Kowboys. I announce my sick draw, she barfs. I river the Ace of spades and the crowd goes wild!!!

    On another note, anyone know how I can get my hands on that car Rob was talking about? That sounded sweet!! 22horsepower!!

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