Four for Four?

'nuff said


Can this guy be stopped? Greg has monied the last four games, three of which were first place finishes. Not bad for one of the original Hill members whose been absent the part few seasons. He must have gotten some Hellmuth books or something ;)

Greg and Jim actually broke the Longest Game EVER last night, making the Widow Maker round obsolete as they stretched their headsup game will past midnight. It was going to take some high value hands to wrap this up, and when Jim pushed with A7 against Greg's AQ, well it was finally over. Great headsup match guys...I never knew TD would expire after the Widow Maker round...I'm going to have to fix that somehow.

Third place went to Max who put up a hell of a battle three way but I think sleep deprivation finally started to kick in. Steve took down fourth place and bubble went to Lisa, her best finish to date. Chump honours were gracelessly accepted by Darryl.

Great game, nice to see a full two tables running again. Been awhile. Hope to see everyone back out next week to take the Georgetown Express off his tracks finally.


  • thanks again AJ for the hospitality! Kind of funny how my AQ doesn't hold up to eliminate Greg when he is all-in (with A7 as well if my memory is correct), but it eliminates me in the end. I would recommend Ching Hill to any former members that are looking for a regular tournament, that definitely starts on time, and is well run and a great variation of different playing styles.

    The first thing I learned about Ching Hill was the unique tournament structure. Most tournaments I have played in during the past had starting chips ranging from 5k to 10k (although I do lean towards deep stack tournaments). Starting with 1000 in chips and blinds at 5/10 was definitely a challenge and I think some players at CH forget and are still under the 5k mindset. Second hand of the tournament and I get JJ so I decide to raise to 50 (w the blinds still at 5/10). I figure a 5x BB raise is decent and what happens, I get raised to 200. I'm thinking to myself, 200 is only 150 more chips. But wait, that is 20% of my starting stack. I decide I have two options, either go all-in and hope I'm not facing QQ,KK or AA. Or fold. Calling was not an option as I knew I would be faced with a big raise on the flop no matter what. As it was my first time at CH, I didn't want to be the new guy who went all-in on the second hand only to lose to A2, etc. I decided to fold and pick my spots more carefully going forward. Seems that 5-10x BB raises were common for the first hour of the tournament, but then things started to get back to reality. One hand that got me a good size pot is when I get dealt AK and so I raise to 60 when the blinds are at 10/20. I get 5-6 callers (no respect, I'm the new guy) and an Ace comes on the flop. I keep getting bet into down to the river by one other player and on the river he finally makes it 400ish to go. For some reason I just don't like the way he as been betting the hand so I figure he likely has a weaker ace and decide to call for a good part of my stack. Luckly for me he thought he could bluff the new guy and probably didn't expect a call. But he turns over rags and losses most of his chips. I win a couple more decent hands and make it to the final table. The next big hand for me is when I am dealt AQs and I raise to $600 when the blinds are at 100/200. The guy beside me makes it 1,400 to go. It is folded around to me and I look at my stack and have about 1,300 left. If I make this call, I will have about 500 left and will likely be all-in on this hand. I decide to fold to the surprise of everyone at the table. I figured with a full table, I still had some room left and a couple of hands later I get dealt 66 and come out with a raise to 650 with the blinds at 100/200. I get 4 callers and we have a nice size pot (considering there are only 18k of chips in play). The flop brings the magical 6 and I milk this hand to its fullest. At the river there is only one other player left and I go all-in and he ponders the call. I decide to pull the old, "he's calling me, I'm dead in the water get ready to leave move", and it works, he calls and my trips take it down. This gives me a huge pot and I start to steal pots and push my stack around. If I have a decent hand, I usually call at this point and hope a small stack pushes and I call their raise and take a couple other players out. I manage to get heads-up with Greg and he has a little chip lead on me. We go back and fourth for about 30 minutes and he continues to hit the flop or I raise with garbage when he has a hand and finally run out of luck. Overall a great evening and hopefully I will be able to make it out so I can qualify for the season ending tournament.


    btw, my goal for next week. Take out Greg early :)
  • Nice report Jim. Glad you had a good night. Told you the new guy usually does okay the first night out.

    The blinds and starting stack are designed for a 'weeknight' game...most of us have day jobs and with an 8pm start, the game had to be over between 11 and 11:30. That way, no one is dragging too much ass in the morning.

    The players are varied, with many playing styles, and some players can mix it up pretty good at times too, so it is very diversified. But for the most part, the league is a great group of people just looking to enjoy themselves. If I ever stopped having fun running these games, I would stop. With this group though, can't see it happening any time soon.

    There are conflicts at times, and each of us takes a beat differently, but we always seem to get over it quickly and get on with the game. Personally, I'm getting better at controlling my reactions to getting beat, so it's teaching me discipline and self control, but it can be tough at times ;)

    Looking forward to seeing you coming out more often Jim. We still have a few games to play for this season, so there's enough time to qualify for the SET game, and plenty of time to try to take this GREG guy out but good!!
  • Congrats Greg. You da man.

    Nice report Jim. Hope to see you out again, as we didn't get to play at the same table very long.
  • thanks, el. it was a fun game. nice to get to the final table not so short stacked this time.

    all i can say is:
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    thanks, el. it was a fun game. nice to get to the final table not so short stacked this time.

    all i can say is:

    All I got to say my friend is, "The Zion train is coming... better get on board"!
  • Jim rule #1 at ching hill, chips are only a way of keeping score and cards don't matter much. At least the way I play. Hopefully I'll be able get out there and play.
  • Rule #2: AK no good.....
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