El Train Stops the Georgetown Express!!

Greg has been quite the roll since his return to the league, and last night he did his best to be the first TRIPLE PLAY Champ of the league...but THE EL TRAIN derailed our Georgetown veteran!


When we started headsup play, Greg had about a 3:1 chip lead over Eleanor. Second hand in Eleanor quickly doubles up, and then she turned the heat on. She quickly dominated her opponent, and played very aggressively to get back to even stacks, only giving up the blinds occasionally. Final hand, Eleanor pushes with one of the league's favourite hands K8 and Greg hesitates for a few moments, doing the math in his head as only he can do ;), and then reluctantly calls with Q9. Flop is missed by both players, but an 8 on the turn put the El Train in front, and the 8 on the river cinched it for her.

Greg's third consecutive money finish though has put him on top of both Points and Money boards for the season though. And I'm sure he's going to make it difficult for any of us to knock him off those spots.

Third place went to Allen, who played very well, and bubble was new player Ryan, who also played very well, holding onto the chip lead for the longest period all night long. Chump was Darryl... hey bud, it happens to us all eventually.

Great game folks. Hope to see everyone next week.


  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    4Flop is missed by both players, but an 8 on the turn put the El Train in front, and the 8 on the river cinched it for her.

    How can it put her in front when she's already in front to begin with :D

  • Way to go Eleanor.

    Finally K 8 Makes money in a big way
  • Congratulations to EElliott. Stop reading that poker book! ;) Congrats also to pkrfce9. When are you two starting on the tournament circuit?
    STR82ACE wrote: »
    Greg's third consecutive money finish though has put him on top of both Points and Money boards for the season though.
  • westside8 wrote: »
    How can it put her in front when she's already in front to begin with :D


    Technicality!! Best hand won! ;)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Technicality!! Best hand won! ;)

    With the way the game was going, the best hand was always behind.
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    With the way the game was going, the best hand was always behind.

    Seems lately alot of that happening...weaker hands still to be hitting their runner/runner miracles and winning it. Crazy game this poker.
  • Thanks guys!

    Feels good to win one again. It's been awhile. Getting quads (and getting them paid off) in the first level sure didn't hurt.

    I had no choice but to be ultra-agressive heads-up. I don't mind welcoming Greg to the back-to-back club, but I couldn't let him get away with a three-peat. ;)

    Seriously though - good game Greg. Your return to the hill has been impressive.
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    When are you two starting on the tournament circuit?

    well, those sponsorship and staking offers sure do make it appealing...

    congrats to el. well played.

    i know i made a couple questionable laydowns around the bubble that could have changed things dramatically one way or the other. the stacks were so close any mistake there was the last one anyone would make.

    thanks to aj for hosting all these years and the gang for the warm welcome.

    p.s. ching hill = ez muhnayyyy
  • way to go El.

    and Greg, sponsorship isn't all it's cracked up to be.
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