H.O.R.S.E. Tourney in Brampton



  • I've got a joke...

    q-How many k-w players can you get to ching-hill in a minivan?

    a-none, 'cause we decided I'm driving.

    Send directions please, and blind Sandy, Pete and I in when we're late.
  • When you hit London, turn around and drive twice as far the other way ;)

    Directions and phone number has been sent. God help all your passengers.
  • oh yeah, i almost forgot...

    Does anybody want anything from Niagara or Barrie, because I'm pretty sure they're both on MY way?
  • Could you send me the directions as well. I am the official navigator. I have my map and compass, just in case.
  • pete: you're on flares, tent, and Holy Bible
  • AJ

    Looks like the team needs some local support.

    Count me in.
  • You're in Darryl...thanks.

    Wes is out, unfortunately. Still lots of room for players. Hoping a couple more of the KW gang can make it out.
  • been looking for something other that n/l holdem and unfortuneately for CHINGHILL me thinks Happy will be available!!
  • and i need the address plz its been a while and pretty sure there's something in the water that effects my memory
  • Happy420 wrote: »
    and i need the address plz its been a while and pretty sure there's something in the water that effects my memory

    Water? YEA RIGHT! I'll PM you the address Adam...looking forward to seeing you out again, been awhile
  • This game is definitely ON!!! We have 11 players signed up so far, and I'm waiting to hear from one Ching Hill player who has yet to confirm. Also waiting to hear from the Bradford Duo to confirm as well, but even without these three, we'll still have a full table game.

    Room still available for any late comers. I'll keep the registration open until 3pm Saturday November 17 if you're interested in coming out.

    Thanks to everyone who will participate.
  • Unfortunately Joe and Aimee had to bail on the game.

    Last minute additions are ENCOURAGED!:biggrin:
  • Bump...bump...bump ;)
  • hmmmm...I wonder what happens when I type in here and then hit 'post quick reply'

    HOLY CATS! It puts this thread back at the top of the list. Neat!
  • Still room for last minute players. The car pool from KW should be leaving shortly, and hopefully Kristy can take directions well enough to at least HEAD in the general direction. I'm sure they can squeeze one or two more in.
  • Being asked if there might be a cash game after.

    Just might be...depending on who wants to play. Again, completely RAKE FREE!!
  • looks like Pete might be bailing? Haven't heard from him yet. Sandy and I are gonna GH3 it up for about 10 more mins before we leave.
  • Thanks for everyone who came out tonight...it was great to see the KW players.

    First & Second chop between myself and Sandy...

    Third Place Pete

    Had a great time. We'll definitely do it again sometime.
  • Thanks very much for hosting A.J. It was definitely worth the drive to see Ching Hill and I enjoyed the poker very much.
  • It was great to finally play you Sandy. Heard the rumours, but that fact is, you're a hell of a player. I got lucky more than a couple of times against you...hitting quads twice helped ;)

    And listening to Kristy bitch about the sin of limit poker was quite entertaining. PL HORSE? Not even sure if you can do that, can you??

    Thinking the next invitational would be PL Omaha in about a months time or so. Hope to see you guys come out again.
  • Thanks AJ,

    Had a great time. WTG Kit.! (and AJ..but he's practically an honourary resident.)

    oh yeah, and fuck limit.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    oh yeah, and fuck limit.

    See what I mean? You crack me up!
  • lol..that's awesome, I was bitching about limit while you were posting about my bitching about limit.

    I think deepstack pl horse would be the shit...you'd just slow down the blinds.

    so I refer you to my earlier 'fuck limit' and add 'fuck your quads' ;)
  • Deeper stacks? Slower Blinds? Why not make it a rebuy PL HORSE, and have the game run for about a week or so?
  • I don't think you actually thought this through the way I have....get back to me when you catch up. :)
  • Catch up?? Kristy, you're in your very own race!!! I couldn't possible think the way you do. I'm a COLLEGE GRAD!! :biggrin:
  • Congrats Sandy & AJ for the win. There must have been some big swings, because when we left, Sandy's stack looked pretty unbeatable!

    Thanks AJ for hosting - much appreciated as always :)
  • ElElliott wrote: »
    Sandy's stack looked pretty unbeatable!

    It was massive, and she started to really bully Pete and me. Took awhile to catch a couple of hands and fight back with, but by the time we agreed to a chop, we were more or less even...think she still had a 5000 chip though.

    It was great to have everyone participate. Enjoyed it very much...different game, different faces, and a great way to burn a Saturday night.
  • How did the structure work out?

  • Sorry we missed it. I was so looking forward to playing. But work seems to be getting in the way of poker..

    Congrats to the winner Sandy, AJ.. Pete for taking third..(dont think I know who pete is.:) )

    Maybe by the next one Joe and I will have some free time. I hope so :(..
    I miss playin poker with you all .. :(
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