Pkrface9 Returns!

Greg 'Pkrface9' returned to the Hill tonight to check out the action. Been awhile since he's played with us on the Hill, but tonight, he made up for it by taking down first place.


Greg's A10s held up on Kris's 45s long enough to take the last 2000 chips Kris had. Greg starting building his stack as the tables merged, and played very well, making some great reads and folds along the way. Third place goes to Garry, his first money finish in a long time. Nice to see him smile again ;)

Darryl was bubble and Max was Chump. And BusDriver once again took us school tonight, demonstrating his uncanny ability of building monster stacks pre break, and subsequently how to donk them off after the merge of tables. ;)

Great game all...see you all next week. Chris/Eleanor, hope you guys are feeling better soon.


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