How DO you stop a NINJA??

Don't let the innocent look on this face fool you...this man is NOT innocent!!


Dan returned this week to again take down first place in tonight's game. His miracle straight hit on the river and since I was desperate in chips, I thought a push with my mid pair would scare him such luck! I can't complain though...I was severally hurting in chips when we were five handed, but some decent cards at good times enabled me to double up a few times to get back in the game. Alas, it was only good enough for second spot.

I have to say though, it was one of the most FUN headsup matches I can ever remember playing with anyone. Dan and I were laughing all the while, playing aggressively one second and slow playing each other the next...catching big cards when needed too. At one point, we both hit trips on the flop, and both slow played to the river. When the King came out on the end to give me a boat though, I put in a min bet and Dan pushed me all in, allowing me to double up nicely. Thanks Dan ;) Great game.

Max took down third place tonight and Bubble goes to Steve. Justin had a renewed taste of Chump status as well.


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