Steve Heading to Casino with his Winnings

Well, Steve is going to take his winnings tonight and try to build a bankroll when he visit the casino this weekend. And considering how he fought back from the brink after the merge, he just might win a seat at the WPT Satellite.


Steve and Chris headsup, so you know there weren't alot of flops being seen. Chris had his work cut out for him though, with a 5 to 1 chip deficit to deal with. The small blind was getting bounced around pretty good for awhile, and even when there was a flop, it didn't go to the river very often. Last hand of the night saw Steve's AJo against Chris's KQs after Chris pushed his last 2000 chips in the middle. Steve insta calls and catches a Jack on the turn to win the night.

Allen hung onto taking third place tonight, and bubble was Eleanor. Tonights' Chump was Kris, last season's Champ.

Great to see Igor come back out again. Hope you can make it out more often.


  • Good game Steve, once we were heads up I figured I need to get real lucky to win and I didn't. At least I got real lucky to make it into second place after crawling back from 600 chips when the blinds were 100-200.

    Good luck today at Fallsview.
  • Nicely done Steve....good luck at the casino this weekend
  • Congrats Steve, I hope to see you all next Thursday, see what some of these new guys are made of :).
  • Congrats Steve!
  • Thanks.

    I did did lucky when I cracked Eleanor's Kings with my A 10, and when I basically tripled up from Lisa and Igor.

    I played one Sat at Fallsview and finished 6th, then I sat down at a 2-5 NL and did pretty well. Basically won back my SAT buy in.
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