New Members Takes Season Opener!!

Congratulations to Darryl, one of the three newest members on The HILL, for taking the first game of the new season.


Darryl started gathering chips very early, and never gave very many back to anyone throughout the night. His first casualty was fellow new member Micheal, who ran against a higher set on the turn against Darryl and was forced to be the first CHUMP of Season 7. Don't worry, Micheal...we've ALL been there before.

Darryl continued to play very well after that, and by the time we were in the money, Jeff and Eleanor were faced against his monster pile of chips. All three players played very well, but eventually it went headsup between Newcomer Darryl, and veteran Jeff. Jeff had his work cut out for him...try taking as much as he could get...but Darryl was harbouring his stack selfishly to the end, and Jeff couldn't get much going at all.

You guys are going to have to fill in the hand details, as my memory is not what it used to be. All I can remember was both players had 9X, but I think Darryl outkicked Jeff, and even managed to pair up on the turn?? Could be wrong.

See everyone next week.


  • Yeah, all I can say is.....,



    Seeing that I'm not going to be around town next week (5th wedding anniversary) I am SOOOOO looking forward to taking all my "frustration" on my Saturday cash game group this week-end!!!!

    We'll see you all in two weeks time. Have a great long Thanksgiving week-end everyone! Bahama mama drinks here I go!!!

    PS: Congrats Darryl, played the hand really well I must say. I owe you one!

  • Congrats Darryl!

    It was a fun game last night....nice to see two tables going again.

    Jeff actually had Darryl on the ropes when the money went all in. They both went all in on an open-ended straight draw - but Jeff's Q9 against Darryl's 95 would have given Jeff a better hand should the straight hit. The straight didn't hit, but Darryl caught his 5 on the turn and that was that!
  • Congrats to Darryl,

    BTW it was A-9 vs. 9-5 on a board of j-10-8. The 5 hit on the turn.

    It was good to see so many new players plus the return of an old one. (The Fish Boy).
  • MCflip73 wrote: »
    We'll see you all in two weeks time.

    Is that a subliminal message? We'll see you 'ALL IN' two weeks time?? We better watch out for this guy.... he's trying to play mind games after 1 game!

    Good game Darryl. "New Member Takes Season Opener"..... I think we've seen this tag line a few too many!

  • Nicely done Daryl....welcome to the Hill
  • The plan went off pretty smoothly. We started the night running the “Gerbaldi” con, then one of the fish busted early so AJ quickly gave the single and we switch up to “The picnic basket”. We feed the new guy chips all night, then when it was down to three I noticed the Elliotts where in place, and it was straight into “Two friends and a stranger”. By the time it was heads up El was working the deck, and BigChris was dealing them out.

    I don’t remember any specific hands, but I made it convincing. Darryl really had to work for it. Going in, he had a monster advantage. I managed to get the chip lead twice then give it back.

    The best part, was when AJ laid out all the money. I almost slipped up when I complained about all the 5’s, and me and Chris started arguing about bringing Ching Hill money back into Ching Hill games. Darryl didn’t seem to notice though. Good game Darryl, just don’t try and spend any of that money at places where they put the bills under those little lights.:)
  • Thanks for the welcome all.

    It was nice to play in a game where the SWAT teams dont show up...

    Jeff, great heads up (and trust me the money will flow back through the hill). You made a huge comeback. However, you underestimate my crushing ability to pull 2-3 outers for miracle hands.

    See: Turning the 3-out 5, flopping a set of 9's (When the 9 is exposed), and
    flopping a set of Q's against QK.

    How can you compete against that skill?
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    How can you compete against that skill?

    yep, you'll fit RIGHT in on The Hill!!! ;)

    Great game Daryl. Well done. You just keeping thinking we're pushovers, you'll learn the hard way like allllllll the rest have ;)
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