Final Team Stats

Team Points Round 1 Points Round 2 Points Round 3 Heads Up Final Points
Ching Hill 81 68 77 20 246
Fish Out of Water 74 49 79 40 242
Guelph 66 66 44 40 216
Milton Rocks 46 63 76 30 215
Waterloo 45 42 56 70 213
Kitchener II 47 64 50 40 201
Heartbreak Kids 57 64 34 40 195


  • Congrats to Ching Hill on their Championship, well deserved for a real strong group of players.

    Congrats to Sandros, Miranda, Jen and all the Captains/players for staging yet another great Royal Cup.

    I have to also say thank you for the players on the newly named Mediocre Men (formerly known as KitII). Most played well, I didn't, BBC/Dead Money thanks for driving in. BigE/Hobbes-gg. Roger, good meeting up with you again and Mandy, congrats for beating not only Dr Larry heads up, but, for beating Jeremy as well. Haddon, you played well and provided a ton of laughes, hope the resale value of the wheelchair helped you break even on the day.

    Congrats on a good day.

    Thanks again all and to Ching Hill- gg
  • Ching Hill only won two of eight heads up matches....interesting. But they still managed to win.
  • This past Royal Cup was the best one yet, and I'm not saying that just due to our win...I think everyone will agree that it went extremely well all around.

    The organizers did a fantastic job. The captains supplied chips/cards as much as possible, and it just seemed like everything went alot smoother. The play itself was tough, yet the general overall atmosphere was still very friendly. Sure there were beats all around, but overall, a great event.

    Congratulations to everyone who participate.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    Ching Hill only won two of eight heads up matches....interesting. But they still managed to win.

    Yea, we bombed the HU event, made it very close on the end didn't it? But we take solace in the fact that we dominated the other events overall ;)

    Been thinking that maybe 10pts for a HU win maybe too much.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Been thinking that maybe 10pts for a HU win maybe too much.

    We had this discussion during and after the first RC. This IMO makes the tournament what it is. All 4 RC's have been decided by the last 2 or 3 heads up matches and it allows every team a chance to make a last run. If you want to win the most prestigious tourney in Poker (LOL) you better bring your A game for all 4 events.

    I was actually walking around on Saturday giddy with how the scoring system works and everyone I talked to loved that it was so close and that the heads up meant something. So I don't see a change in the format anytime soon.

    In the end if Ching only wins 1 heads up match do they really deserve to be champs? ;)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Been thinking that maybe 10pts for a HU win maybe too much.

    Actually that is true....because first place in the other games; by beating 7 other players is worth 15 points. Either the points for the rings games need to increase or the points for the HU should decrease.
  • pokerdro wrote: »

    In the end if Ching only wins 1 heads up match do they really deserve to be champs? ;)

    Well over all Ching Hill won approx 9 HU matches. 7 through the regular games and 2 in the HU bracket so can you really say we won only 2 HU matches as a team?

    Suggestion for next time, Big E and I were talking during one of the games and we though maybe a HORSE bracket would be a cool idea for a team of 8 during the first round it would be 3 play Stud, 3 play Omaha and 2 play HORSE.
  • Yes, the scoring system does allow every team to make a run at the last minute during headsup...helped us out in Royal Cup III to get second place with winning 7/8 matches. What I am thinking though is a team could theoretically blow all their matches during the day, and come headsup and win it all.

    It's great the way it is Sandro, and if I'm the only one questioning it, I'm good with the current system. Just wondering if the reward for a day of poor play should be overall victory in the final matches, that's all.

    No matter, keep it the way it is. Our poor performance in headsup this time around will only make us try harder in RCV. ;)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Been thinking that maybe 10pts for a HU win maybe too much.
    Absolutely not.

  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    Suggestion for next time, Big E and I were talking during one of the games and we though maybe a HORSE bracket would be a cool idea for a team of 8 during the first round it would be 3 player Stud, 3 player Omaha and 2 player HORSE.

    I like this idea as well, so long as the HORSE game doesn't take longer than the Stud and Omaha games to finish.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    I like this idea as well, so long as the HORSE game doesn't take longer than the Stud and Omaha games to finish.
    Absolutely yes!

  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    What I am thinking though is a team could theoretically blow all their matches during the day, and come headsup and win it all.

    Just wondering if the reward for a day of poor play should be overall victory in the final matches, that's all.

    We have the case in point in RC4. Waterloo won 7/8 and still finished out of the money and still 30 some odd points out of winning it. The scoring system in place will never have a team come from last to win it. All the teams will get some share of the HU points. We have gone through 4 RC's and the scoring system in place has always allowed 2 or 3 teams to fight for the win and the remainder of the teams to fight for the money. Sounds just about right to me.
  • Try doing some math before you start bitching about the point system.

    Per round 8 sng 52 points available per sng = 416 total points per round
    7 teams. If all teams were exactly equal in skill then each team would earn 59.4 points per round.

    Therefore if you earned more than that, you beating the round as a team.

    Heads up, 56 players, 28 heads up matches for 280 total points.
    7 teams. If all teams are exactly equal in skill then each team would earn only 40 points for the heads up round.

    There if you won 5/8 HU matches, as a team you were beating the round (obv).

    So obviously an average team would earn 19.4 MORE points per round during the sngs. The heads uip matches are obviously UNDERWEIGHTED in the points system, not overweighted.
  • Phew finally some fallout from RC4.... I was worried there would be no drama like all the other ones :)

    I agree with moose that the headsup is underweighted. I propose 12 pts per HU match.

  • moose wrote: »
    Try doing some math before you start bitching about the point system.

    WHOA! Is there really a need for this hostility?? I asked a simple question, and frankly, it WAS commented on by more than myself on Saturday. Frankly, like I said, if the formula works as is, don't change it. Just made a comment.
  • g2 wrote: »
    Phew finally some fallout from RC4.... I was worried there would be no drama like all the other ones :)

    I agree with moose that the headsup is underweighted. I propose 12 pts per HU match.


    You just beat me to it. Yep 12 points would be more fair.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    WHOA! Is there really a need for this hostility??
    Yes, it wouldn't be a royal cup without it! ;)

  • g2 wrote: »
    Yes, it wouldn't be a royal cup without it! ;)


    True enough... had to have been the QUIETEST RC we have EVER had.

    GG all
  • moose wrote: »
    Try doing some math before you start bitching about the point system.

    Per round 8 sng 52 points available per sng = 416 total points per round
    7 teams. If all teams were exactly equal in skill then each team would earn 59.4 points per round.

    Therefore if you earned more than that, you beating the round as a team.

    Heads up, 56 players, 28 heads up matches for 280 total points.
    7 teams. If all teams are exactly equal in skill then each team would earn only 40 points for the heads up round.

    There if you won 5/8 HU matches, as a team you were beating the round (obv).

    So obviously an average team would earn 19.4 MORE points per round during the sngs. The heads uip matches are obviously UNDERWEIGHTED in the points system, not overweighted.

    That is good and all but based on the number of players you need to beat to earn 15 points in the other games compared to the HU matches the points don't even out.

    HU - Beat one player win 10 points
    Other games - Beat 6/7 players win 15 points.

    HU each player beat = 10 points
    Other games each player beat =15/6 or approx 2.5 points per player.

    The points/player you earn by beating just one player is far larger then beating the SnG.

    Between these two players:

    ....... 15 /1 /15 /0 - 31
    ........ 1 /5 /15 10 - 31

    Who was the more consistent performer?
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    Between these two players:

    ....... 15 /1 /15 /0 - 31
    ........ 2 /1 /5 /15 10 - 31

    Who was the more consistent performer?
    Well player 1 played 4 games, and player 2 played 5 games, so I don't think that's a fair comparison.

  • It's a TEAM event. In HU if someone wins the other person gets zero. If you 'beat' someone in a sng, the 'loser' doesn't get zero. You can't look at it in terms of what one person can win, only in terms of what the team can win.

    As a team if all teams are exactly equal you should get 59.4 points per sng round and 40 points per HU round. That's it.
  • g2 wrote: »
    Well player 1 played 4 games, and player 2 played 5 games, so I don't think that's a fair comparison.


    Correct..A 2 was left from K2.

    I think because of the structure with 15, 12, 9, 7,5,3,1 for the ring compared to 10, 0 for the HU is where the problem lies.

    Zero points is very harsh compared to 10 points, where 5 to 15 (difference between 5th and 1st which is still 10 points) is not the same.
  • I find this discussion very confusing. As Barbie would say "Math is hard".

    All I know is that the HU matches mean something, but they don't mean everything. From my perspective, that's how it should be.

    If it aint broke.....
  • Math is fun and conflict is good, but ignore it for a minute.

    The best team won, and the lesser teams were still able to try to place (like Waterloo's run) or slit their own throats (umm... like us). The points did what they were supposed to do - keep everyone involved and fighting for something until the end, while still rewarding the best performing team for the day.

    Papa Bear AJ (too many) and Mama Bear Moose ( ;) - too few) - RC points are just right...
  • I think we all know the Royal Cup's system is a little broken .. (the point distributions are off).. but someone who's good at math is gonna need to prove it..

    Empirically, a 10 point differerential is the difference between 1st and 5th, 2nd and 8th and non-existant after during the SnG phase..

    This is a topic I brought up a while ago. I thought then 10 was too much....and still kind of do now. I play mostly for forum and meet the players.

    Any math people want to take a run at this?
  • Ok I am starting to take this a bit personal. The scoring system will stay as is. Here is the positioning based on 10 pt HU wins to 5 pt HU wins and the final column are the standings going into the HU. As you can see the points barely made a difference anywhere on this list except for 3rd and 4th flip if it were 8 pts or fewer instead of 10. Remember a team can get 80 pts but there are another 200 pts out there that the team has no access too and will go to other teams which makes it less of an impact then everyone thinks. If anything RC4 proved it.

    Team 10 9 8 7 6 5 Place b4 HU
    Ching Hill 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
    Fish Out of Water 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
    Guelph 3 3 4 4 4 4 4
    Milton Rocks 4 3 3 3 3 3 3
    Waterloo 5 5 5 5 5 6 7
    Kitchener II 6 6 6 6 5 5 5
    Heartbreak Kids 7 7 7 7 7 7 6
  • It's fine the way it is.
  • By no means Sandro, did I want you to take this personally. You've done a bang up job so far and nobody is saying you haven't. Just brought it up as a possible area for consideration, nothing more. You've proven the point system works as is, I'm happy with it.
  • Ok I am starting to take this a bit personal.

    Please don't, it's just a discussion.
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