Final Individual Results

Name Team Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Total Score
Derek Ching 9 15 12 10 46
Sandy Fish Out of Water 9 9 15 10 43
Mark P Guelph Polar Bears 15 15 1 10 41
Terra Fish Out of Water 12 12 7 10 41
Mike Talbot Guelph Polar Bears 15 7 7 10 39
Rob (DM) Kitchener 2 5 15 9 10 39
Bob Milton Rocks 7 12 9 10 38
Garry Ching 15 12 9 0 36
Jen Guelph Polar Bears 7 15 3 10 35
Wesley Waterloo 1 12 12 10 35
JHJ Ching 7 3 15 10 35
Tyson HeartBreak Kids 15 5 3 10 33
Mark C Milton Rocks 15 5 3 10 33
Jeff Ching 9 7 15 0 31
Moose Waterloo 15 1 15 0 31
Mandy Kitchener 2 1 5 15 10 31
Greg (g2) Milton Rocks 3 5 12 10 30
Will Waterloo 7 12 1 10 30
BBC_Z Kitchener 2 5 15 9 0 29
Jeremy Guelph Polar Bears 7 7 15 0 29
Mark B HeartBreak Kids 3 15 1 10 29
Ryan_yo HeartBreak Kids 12 7 9 0 28
Jim Fish Out of Water 12 1 15 0 28
Xuan L. Waterloo 12 1 5 10 28
Buddy Fish Out of Water 12 1 5 10 28
Jeff C. Milton Rocks 9 9 9 0 27
Greg (pkrface) Milton Rocks 3 12 12 0 27
Elliot Waterloo 3 9 5 10 27
Roger Kitchener 2 3 5 9 10 27
Haddon Kitchener 2 15 1 1 10 27
Eleanor Ching 9 12 5 0 26
Eric Kitchener 2 12 9 5 0 26
Brad A. Waterloo 1 3 12 10 26
Chris Ching 5 15 5 0 25
Amanda Ching 15 1 9 0 25
Judy P Milton Rocks 1 12 12 0 25
Kristy Fish Out of Water 5 7 3 10 25
JohnnieH HeartBreak Kids 9 1 5 10 25
Ryan Fish Out of Water 3 9 12 0 24
Trevor HeartBreak Kids 7 9 7 0 23
Miranda Guelph Polar Bears 7 3 3 10 23
Shannon HeartBreak Kids 1 9 3 10 23
Flint HeartBreak Kids 9 15 1 0 25
Haydn Fish Out of Water 12 3 7 0 22
Larry Milton Rocks 5 5 12 0 22
AJ Ching 12 3 7 0 22
Ken Guelph Polar Bears 7 7 7 0 21
Dom Waterloo 5 3 3 10 21
Al Fish Out of Water 9 7 15 0 31
Sandro Guelph Polar Bears 3 7 7 0 17
Mike W Waterloo 1 1 3 10 15
Dave B Milton Rocks 3 3 7 0 13
Hobbes Kitchener 2 5 5 1 0 11
Dave W Kitchener 2 1 9 1 0 11
Paul Guelph Polar Bears 5 5 1 0 11
Mario HeartBreak Kids 1 3 5 0 9


  • CHRIST!!! That's embarrassing for a Team Captain whose team carried him to a victory.:redface:
  • Just one note. Al from Fish out of Water is out of order in your list. He got 31 points but appears near the bottom of your list. This will be important for the side bet.
  • I did a sort then posted so blame Bill Gates :)
  • I don't like how this looks:

    Eleanor Ching 9 12 5 0 26
    Eric Kitchener 2 12 9 5 0 26
    Brad A. Waterloo 1 3 12 10 26
    Chris Ching 5 15 5 0 25
    Amanda Ching 15 1 9 0 25
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    I don't like how this looks:

    Eleanor Ching 9 12 5 0 26
    Eric Kitchener 2 12 9 5 0 26
    Brad A. Waterloo 1 3 12 10 26
    Chris Ching 5 15 5 0 25
    Amanda Ching 15 1 9 0 25

    Compare it RCIII Chris. You moved WAYYYY up!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    CHRIST!!! That's embarrassing for a Team Captain whose team carried him to a victory.:redface:

    AJ, if you check the old records in RCI I had I believe 11 points, and yet the rest of the team led us to victory, and RC3 I had 19 and yet we have another victory. No reason to feel poorly about 22 points here, if you go back and check the captains scores vs the average I think there will be a huge drop. I can only assume, because I am far too lazy to actually do it right now.
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