Ryder Cup IV - Did I play this right?

Limit Hold'em
Blinds 25-50
I'm BB. 7 Players still in.

2 callers in EP, MP Raises, LP calls, SB folds…

I hold 9-2os…. I just called… should I have re-raised here?? ;)

Go Ching Hill!


  • This seems to be an odds question....first you are getting 7 to 1 to call assuming that neither of the first two players re-raises and may fold. If you are sure they are both going to call then you are getting 9 to 1 to call.

    Plus you already have one bet invested.

    So unless you are sure that you are a 10% dog (or more) then you should call, the problem is that the hand is 9-2.....I really don't like your kicker (the 9), now if it was something like 5-2 or Q-2 then this is automatic call because these are winning hands. (Statistics at Ching Hill shows the 5-2 and Q-2 are in the top 5% of hands right behind Aces, Kings, Queens and A-K)

    You also have to factor in what your implied odds are, that is if you hit your hand how many more bets can you win? At least 1 more small bet and call by various players (4 bets), and at least 2 more big bets by at least one or two players (another 4 bets). So you are looking at a total 17-20 bets total.

    The last factor is what are your tilt odds, that is if you hit and crack a hand like Aces or Kings, how many more bets can you win from the player that you just cracked and will they go off and tilt the rest of the money away?

    This is very important in the RC format as when one player goes bust every one at the table gets more points.

    Once you have factored in those then you can decide if it is a good call or not.

    BTW a re-raise (3rd bet) from the BB with 9-2 and then winning that hand by cracking Aces has a tilt factor of 10 and should be only done if you are sure that the person you are tilting is a pacifist.
  • 1st of all, never never second guess your play.

    Secondly, limit is a donks game, you can justify any call in limit.

    Lastly, your the F'ing MVP!!

    Anyone from now until the next RC even looks at you the wrong way, just tell 'em "I'm the F'ing MVP biatch!"

    You can also tell them, once your game has elevated to such a high level, you can play any two cards.
  • 1st of all, never never second guess your play.

    Secondly, limit is a donks game, you can justify any call in limit.

    Lastly, your the F'ing MVP!!

    Anyone from now until the next RC even looks at you the wrong way, just tell 'em "I'm the F'ing MVP biatch!"

    You can also tell them, once your game has elevated to such a high level, you can play any two cards.

    Yeah the MVP doesn't really need cards as he is playing the player because he is a playa
  • Damn straight!
  • either calling or re-raising are fine...

    *as long as you make sure you tell the aces or kings that you cracked why you're a much better player than they are AFTER you bust them. (try also to make sure that there are as many people listening as possible)

    Wear a cup, if you plan on trying to do this to me. ;)
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    either calling or re-raising are fine...

    *as long as you make sure you tell the aces or kings that you cracked why you're a much better player than they are AFTER you bust them. (try also to make sure that there are as many people listening as possible)

    Good point Kristy.... I didn't think to let them know of my superior poker prowess... next time for sure!
    Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Wear a cup, if you plan on trying to do this to me.

    Note taken.
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