Massive points accumulated/last longer bet



  • I was thinking 'beach balls'
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    sorry, thought it was an open Q.

    It was..

    I meant I don't think I have ever asked to see yours.

    However, recalling you racing into a poker tourney, garbage blasting through the speakers of that mini van...



    Thats right; Can I See Your Baaaaabie seat?
  • Lol, yeah- I maintain the minivan is a guy magnet...

    You get three points for knowing it was Garbage- can you name the song?
    (points not redeemable for safety equipment perusal.)
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Lol, yeah- I maintain the minivan is a guy magnet...

    You get three points for knowing it was Garbage- can you name the song?
    (points not redeemable for safety equipment perusal.)

    #1 crush....

    Much better then Crushing a #2
  • Three more points, redeemable in the same way as CPF bucks.
  • Wow...even at par they're worthless right?
  • Don't overlook the distinctive honour of having MORE than your friends and acquaintances.

    (Yup, completely worthless)
  • I think the more politically correct term is "priceless"
  • ElElliott wrote: »'s mine for Eric.

    You can't spell DONKEY without a BigE

    Nice El, man this suits me to a T...sorry I was away from the forum for a while.....I won't be too mean to Chris.....was going to post a good old-fashioned pulp fiction style red ball-gag pic but that would be worse then mean. Instead he can fly my colours with the tag-line "The Leaf's Suck!"

  • Now THAT'S CLASS!! Thanks Eric ;)
  • I Love it!

    Welcome to the dark side Chris!
  • These are all set to come down this'll be interesting to see if the month off has given us time to come up with something awesome for ourselves?
  • I am going to be sad to see all the avatars come down. Thank you to Kristy and Greg for coming up with a great idea to add to the Royal Cup fun.
  • Now that the deadline has passed for the avatars and tag lines, I am curious who likes their new image and will be keeping them up. I notice that Wes was quick to pull his.
  • I just realized I lost my old avatar (which sucked anyway) since it was on my old laptop which was stolen a couple months ago. So..... I'm open to suggestions.

  • I think the current one is pretty good.
  • I actually got requests to leave mine up. I'm going to humour them for a few days.
  • How'd I do?

  • Kind of looks like Milk & Cookies to me ;)
  • New one for me
  • g2 wrote: »
    How'd I do?

    I like the new avatar, but when are you going to change your custom title?
  • here's one for Mark.
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