Massive points accumulated/last longer bet



  • I might need some help with my choice for Wes. I can't make fun of his university and I really like his current avatar.

    Based on your Buy & Sell post I am going to assume that you are a Leafs fan Wes. Can anyone confirm that for me.
  • Okay all

    Help a brother out.. I need some headshots of compuease here... anyone got a decent link?

  • I was thinking more of something where we can see his face! :)

  • So demanding! There are probably more pictures of him in that album.

  • Okay Jeff...

    In keeping with the Rock's MAD time management skills...

    Tagline: Clocks and Rocks don't mix


    Oh.. and no mocking my "mad photoshop skillz"

  • here's yours Wolffie

    Tag line; Sheared by STR82ACE! Still working on yours Hobbes. Proving more difficult than I thought.
  • Boo-urns Mark...

    Jeff you got off easy- I tried to talk him into Super-imposing yours and Bob's faces on a pic from Dirty Dancing. (With Bob as P. Swayze of course)

    Nobody puts Baby in a corner.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Okay Jeff...

    In keeping with the Rock's MAD time management skills...

    Tagline: Clocks and Rocks don't mix


    Oh.. and no mocking my "mad photoshop skillz"

    Well that wasn't too bad, thx Mark... I had to edit it to make it fit tho, one character too long. Hopefully that's ok. Still trying to figure something for Eleanor...
  • Here you go Kristy:

    Tag Line: In the kitchen where I belong
  • Tag line.. I solemnly swear, I married this guy of my own free will...
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    Here you go Kristy:

    Tag Line: In the kitchen where I belong

    PERFECT!!! Nice one Chris. Thanks ;)
  • Kristy's gonna love it! haha :D

  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    Here you go Kristy:

    Tag Line: In the kitchen where I belong

    Oh snap! This is the winner so far.

    (ummm, Sandy..are you sidebetting on the sidebet?)
  • OK Moose,

    Since you slagged my school (and I know it was out of envy) here is your avatar for the time period...

    New Tagline: I wish Buddy was my captain
  • g2... where's mine oooh ooh! Do me! Do me!

    Umm..that isn't supposed to sound quite like it does...

  • It's coming soon. I just don't think it's a good idea to google 'dirty whore donkey' pics from work.

  • g2 wrote: »
    It's coming soon. I just don't think it's a good idea to google 'dirty whore donkey' pics from work.


    You are probably right.
  • Good Al? You didn't go too hard, though technically we did tie. But I'm cool with it.

    Btw see my new thread in Off Topic on google imaging yourself.
  • moose wrote: »
    though technically we did tie
    Ties we're broken by putting the person whose team did better above.

  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Is this work safe?

  • I think so, but I don't know where you work.
  • Close enough. haha

  • I might need some help with my choice for Wes. I can't make fun of his university and I really like his current avatar.

    Based on your Buy & Sell post I am going to assume that you are a Leafs fan Wes. Can anyone confirm that for me.

    Yes, I am one. But not one of those stupid ones that think we'll hoist the cup after every win, and think we need to revamp the team after every loss.
  • May I suggest:

    Leafs suxors. Go Sens Go!

    ...with a matching avatar. Muahaha!!!

  • Debt paid...................................................
  • Ok Im confused, what else is new?

    Who is Jeff from ching hill?

    I finished above him so he is now my bitch right?

    And Wes, Im under Wes, Im sure it is just as confusing for him too.... he's so used to being behind me :)
  • Redington wrote: »
    Who is Jeff from ching hill?

    I finished above him so he is now my bitch right?
    TheBusDriver, and yes. You can slap him with whatever custom user title and avatar you want... he's gotta keep it for at least a month.

  • Redington wrote: »
    Ok Im confused, what else is new?

    Who is Jeff from ching hill?

    I finished above him so he is now my bitch right?

    And Wes, Im under Wes, Im sure it is just as confusing for him too.... he's so used to being behind me :)

    Jeff aka The Bus Driver
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