Any interest for SnG in New Hamburg?

I know it's short notice, but I'm in the mood to play tonight so I'll host a $20 SnG with a .25/.25 NL ring game to follow.

If we get enough people, we'll start at 7pm.

BYOB, all games RAKE FREE



1. Me. (well duh!)


  • Hey Johnnie, I would be interested if you get enough players lemme know. In Kitchener here

  • Well, I guess we're a NO GO for tonight. Gone are the days when a game would go up in K-W and sell out in 30 minutes.

    Okpokerfest, sorry about getting your hopes up, but keep watching for more games in KW. (especailly any game hosted at Bristol Street.!)

    I'll post another game with a few days notice next week.
  • Is it me Johnnie or is the traffic on this site going down a bit??

  • It has just diversified. No longer all KW all the time.

  • Hey Jonny its okpokerfest here again, just wanted to know if you knew about any sit n gos in the area for tonight?
  • First off, it's Johnnie. J-O-H-N-N-I-E. Not Jonny.

    Secondly, I'm not aware of any SnGs tonight in K-W. There is a big tournament tomorrow, so I think that everyone is taking a night off.

    Check out the clubs in the "Poker Room/Clubs" section. There's some great clubs in KW. I recommend The Shop.

    Thirdly, I know it's you posting. I can see your name right there.

  • Sorry J. You'll notice my first reply to your post had your name spelled correctly. I think this time my enthusiasm for tonight disconnected my brain. Thank you for your reply
  • Sorry J. You'll notice my first reply to your post had your name spelled correctly. I think this time my enthusiasm for tonight disconnected my brain. Thank you for your reply

    No problem and You're Welcome.

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