PM Me Directions?

Can someone please PM me directions to the event. I was there last yeat but cant remember the way.




  • is there anywhere near the venue where there is free parking? will there be a cash game before the tournaments start? what is the best exit to take off the highway leading into Kitchener? Cheers.
  • I need the exact address please.

    There's loads of free parking if you're willing to walk a few blocks, but it's a market day so gl. Better to just pay and be reasonably close. (Mitchell st., King and Borden have 'private parking' that is not enforced -both are about 4 blocks away.)

    I don't know where else to post this..but I read the forum this morning with that feeling you had when you were a kid just before Christmas. I'm really looking forward to a combination of tough poker, drunken poker, and putting faces and names to the out of Kit. forumers!
  • I have not been to any of the previous events. I need the address sent as well.
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