SET Game Goes To....

You REALLY don't want to know


With his favourite hand J10

His fourth SET victory in six seasons

His fifth SET money finish in six seasons

This guy just waits like a vulture, teasing us during the season, and then tears the cash away from us in the final game. We're going to have to call the SET game the Justin Memorial Tournament or something.

Eleanor did give him a good run though headsup, but her cards went cold on her and she couldn't take him out. Jeff had to settle for third place, and Steve, who held the monster stack early on, had to settle to the chopped fourth place finish.

Thanks for another great season everyone. I'll keep you posted on the start of Season 7.


  • Justin = cockroach... CAN ANYONE FINISH HIM OFF?????????

    Congrats Justin!!! I don't know how you do it man but I would love to find out... can you PLEASE give me some lessons in poker, PLEASE...

    See you all soon

    please let me know of any home games, tourneys, etc. that might take place during the break.
  • Congrats Justin
  • Congrats Justin! What a game you played....down to what, about 400 chips early on? All-in twice before there was a chump? You took the lead just when you needed to....awesome game.

    I wasn't card dead at all heads-up! I think we only played 5 hands...2 I folded, 2 I won the blinds (once with KJh, and once with AQo)...and then I pushed with my pocket 8s and lost when you paired up both of your cards. Stupid J10! ;)

    I wish I could have made the heads-up game more exciting....but it just wasn't in the cards for me (ba dum dum).

    Thanks for a great season everyone. And thanks, again, to AJ and Brenda for putting up with us degenerates week in and week out.
  • What a guy! Congrats man.

    Steve.... WTF?

    AJ and Brenda, thanks again. Very much appreciated as always!
  • congrats Justine. good game all and thanks AJ and Brenda for having us over every thursday once again.

    well Derrick, lets see:

    I doubled Garry up which did not hurt that bad, then I doubled up Jeff when I was SB and he was BB, I was dealt pocket A's and it was folded to me and I limped in expecting Jeff to eith check or push as he was pretty low in chips, he checked. Flop came 8 high and I bet out and he raised all in and I called, he showed 8 4. A on the turn and a 5 on the river gave Jeff a straight. This loss hurt alot. After that I stole a few blinds but mainly got blinded out.

    I played my Aces the exact way I wanted to and just got unlucky on the river.

    Once again good game all and thanks for the $200 chop when we were 4 handed
  • SteveKerr wrote: »

    I played my Aces the exact way I wanted to and just got unlucky on the river.

    Once again good game all and thanks for the $200 chop when we were 4 handed

    I think I would have played the Aces the same Steve, I know some people disagree but you played them perfectly, just an unlucky river for you.
  • You played those aces perfectly, Steve. Just the gods were with TheBusDriver last night. After that hand, though, you just didn't get enough of anything to really play. Well done.

    Now, those 10's you played...TOTALLY different story ;)
  • Great game Justin, I've always noted that your game doesn't come alive until your chip stack goes down to about 250. You seem to thrive under pressure, gives you an edge where most of crack.

    For most of the night I felt like I was watching a poker game, not playing. I got alot of luck, and basically that AA vs 84 hand was the turning point. (for me at least). I might of coasted my way into 4th, but that hand I think, allowed me and Steve to switch positions. If it had gone the other way, I think Steve would have done a better job of attacking El and Justin. We can debate all day on the proper way to play Aces. I might have said at the time, "that's why you don't limp in with AA". That was a little harsh. It was purely the situation, I was desparate with top pair at the time, then I got alot of luck. But there wasn't enough luck in my sack to over come EL and Justin. My last hand, I tried to steal with a Jack high pre-flop, and was dismayed to have both of them call me.

    Thanks again AJ and Brenda. I predict big things for Season 7.
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    congrats Justine. good game all and thanks AJ and Brenda for having us over every thursday once again.

    well Derrick, lets see:

    I doubled Garry up which did not hurt that bad, then I doubled up Jeff when I was SB and he was BB, I was dealt pocket A's and it was folded to me and I limped in expecting Jeff to eith check or push as he was pretty low in chips, he checked. Flop came 8 high and I bet out and he raised all in and I called, he showed 8 4. A on the turn and a 5 on the river gave Jeff a straight. This loss hurt alot. After that I stole a few blinds but mainly got blinded out.

    I played my Aces the exact way I wanted to and just got unlucky on the river.

    Once again good game all and thanks for the $200 chop when we were 4 handed

    Sorry dude. I thought it was in the bag!
  • Thanks AJ and Brenda for once again hosting us in their home. It was another great season and the eveness in the leader board shows we are all becoming better players. All we need now is to get our numbers up!!!

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