Casual SATURDAY at Bristol!

Hey everyone! I have a friend coming in from out of town, so this Saturday (September 8th, 2007) is going to be an evening of Casual Poker at Bristol Street!

We'll get the ball rolling around 7pm and play well into the evening. It will be the usual assortment of low buy-in tournaments and cash games, with the Wii and/or Guitar Hero running upstairs! Into the night, if there's interest, we'll take suggestions for an alternate format game; Badugi, Pineapple, Chaos, etc., etc.,

The opening tournament will start at 7pm so, to get a rough idea of the numbers, please RSVP back if you think you can make it and if you want a seat at the first tourney.

Rough number of people attending so far: ~11
Zithal, Paul R, Flint Bones, Dirty Whore, ItsaMe, AnthonyD, JohnnieH, Wraychel, Beanie42, Kanga, 8Ball

*can't make the 7pm tourney


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