Wine Man wins $2000. SNG seat Brantford

The Wine Man plays sober to win $2000. seat to Main Event in Brantford Oct 5. After 6 hrs. and 50 top notch players he holds on to secure top 4 finish.
Wish me luck boys. See yah at the WPT at Fallsview!


  • Congrats buddy!

  • Congrats, Good Luck
    Milton Slim
  • Was it Sunday that you played and what time was the 50-person limit reached? I'm surprised it took 6 hours, as the three times I have won a main event seat, it ended between 3-3:30 PM. I wouldn't call the players "top notch" though as many of them are limit players or just there to gamboool with not much strategy. As waltsfriend, Animaux, The_Game, Bobby, etc. know, it is +EV to play in the best casino satellite that I know of.

    Anyway, congratulations and good luck!
    Larry L. wrote: »
    The Wine Man plays sober to win $2000. seat to Main Event in Brantford Oct 5. After 6 hrs. and 50 top notch players he holds on to secure top 4 finish.
  • Somebody tell the LCBO by the casino to load up on Merlot......

    Well done and BoL in the ME.

  • Hey BlondeFish
    It was 2 weeks ago on sunday. Did'nt finish until 3:45 p.m. A lot of 20/40 players, and yes a few where beginners, but most where damn good players. Couple folks that have played CPT events. Definately not a walk through.
    One of the ladies that was at the final table has played a couple CPT events the last 2 years. I think she said she was from the Desden area. She won a couple tournaments at Point Edward last year and definately helped me with stragedy. I'm pumped for this one. First big one for me!
    Appreciate the congrats. Hope to do you guys proud. I'll keep you posted.
    The 'Wine Man'
  • Congrats Larry
  • GL, see ya there...I think you're getting very ahead of yourself with the "fallsview" bit though, but it never hurts to dream I guess...
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