BigChris Gains Some Ground with a Victory

BigChrisEl gain some much needed ground last night by taking first place money in what has to be the longest heads up match in the league to date.


Chris calls Derek's push with A10o against Derek's KJo. After no help for either player by the river, the match was finally won with Ace high, but it took well over an hour for these two to decide who was going to take it down. Each player had great reads on the other throughout the night, and it was going to be a real battle to decide which one would come out on top. Derek played like his old self, and Chris played his usual aggressive style. It was an excellent heads up match.

Kris ACDC took down third place, and it was just enough to keep in the lead on the Points Leader board, with BigChris now only about 25 points behind. Steve was bumped to third place on the points board, trailing Chris by about a single point. However, on the Money Leader board, Steve still holds a $2 lead over BigChris.

Next week's final game is going to decide it, and its going to be an excellent game. See you all there.


  • Good game Chris. It was earned! Definitely a heads up match to remember.
  • Excellent game every one.

    That was one of the toughest heads up matches I have ever played. It wasn’t the usual push fest and we got to play a lot of hands.

    I think I got lucky that Derek was card dead for a bit and I was getting some cards and hitting some flops. I was also lucky that when Derek hit the flop hard that I was missing it or getting Rags when he had big hands.

    I thought I was done when I limped with the Aces and Derek smooth called when the flop came with 3 hearts. I had the Ace of hearts and figured if he hit the flush I still had some outs to make the nut flush. I was happy to see to he had top a pair and the Jack high flush draw.

    AJ how does Steve have a $2 lead as the HPT site says we are tied?
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »

    AJ how does Steve have a $2 lead as the HPT site says we are tied?

    I noticed that. I'll have to compare the spreadsheet with the site and see where I went wrong. The spreadsheet shows a $2 range between you guys, it might be a transpositional error by yours truly.

    You both played an awesome heads up match. Not many that last over an hour like yours did.
  • Congrats Chris!
  • Congrats Chris

    should make for an interesting final game before the SET
  • gg Chris, see you all for finale
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