Slow Rolling

I saw this happen 3 times in last nights game to various degrees and it has been happening more and more this season.

I just wanted to point out that if you have the winner or are a huge favorite to win do not Slow Roll

This is no point of doing this in a friendly home game but players have been doing it more and more which I find completely unacceptable.

If you are ahead and/or crushing you the other player when they are all-in please show the hand right away and not wait until later to show the hand this only annoys and/or angers the player who has been slow rolled.


  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    If you are ahead and/or crushing you the other player when they are all-in please show the hand right away and not wait until later to show the hand this only annoys and/or angers the player who has been slow rolled.
    In a tournament, you are required to show the hands once the all-in bet has been called and there are no active players left to bet. To do anything else is poor sportsmanship. Something like this is much more prevalent in a cash game and can generate a great deal of ill will. Of course, it is a good way to put someone on tilt. Sometimes people don't realize it is poor form but it doesn't take much to set the reasonable players straight.

    Sounds like the hill is having some troubles.
  • -ev wrote: »

    Sounds like the hill is having some troubles.

    Nope quite the opposite.

    We have a very friend group that can laugh and joke around but because the game is so light it brings up some interesting hands and discussions.

    Player's who Slow Roll will be stripped naked and rolled in honey, then place beside the hornets nest outside until they see GOD!!
  • Here you go kids. A few rules from my friendly home game to help you out. Let me know if you need more.

    -"Don’t slow roll. What the fuck is this shit?! Two or more guys are all in and they are both waiting for the other guy to open his cards first?! Fuck off and open your cards. What are we 14yrs old? The same goes for the showdown. If you know you got the shit just show it, otherwise the bettor is supposed to show first. Either way lets just speed this shit up girls."

    -"No rabbit hunting. It takes up precious time and the player that didn’t have balls to call the last bet can go fuck himself."

    -"Shut the fuck up. If you’re not in the hand, keep your comments to yourself. Don’t tell another player to call an all in bet or “go all in”. Don’t call out what is showing on the board. Just “shut the fuck up” as Mark would say. You feel the need to speak? How about you ask who wants a beer and then go and get them for us, Bitch.
    Another thing: Shut the fuck up about how you did last night playing Internet poker for play money. We don’t give a fuck about your play money shit."

    I hope this was helpfull.
  • esool wrote: »
    Here you go kids. A few rules from my friendly home game to help you out. Let me know if you need more.

    -"Don’t slow roll. What the fuck is this shit?! Two or more guys are all in and they are both waiting for the other guy to open his cards first?! Fuck off and open your cards. What are we 14yrs old? The same goes for the showdown. If you know you got the shit just show it, otherwise the bettor is supposed to show first. Either way lets just speed this shit up girls."

    -"No rabbit hunting. It takes up precious time and the player that didn’t have balls to call the last bet can go fuck himself."

    -"Shut the fuck up. If you’re not in the hand, keep your comments to yourself. Don’t tell another player to call an all in bet or “go all in”. Don’t call out what is showing on the board. Just “shut the fuck up” as Mark would say. You feel the need to speak? How about you ask who wants a beer and then go and get them for us, Bitch.
    Another thing: Shut the fuck up about how you did last night playing Internet poker for play money. We don’t give a fuck about your play money shit."

    I hope this was helpfull.

    I always did love the colour language you use, Bill. So direct and to the point. ;) Thanks.
  • Forget about 'slowrolling'.. the Rule on the river should be that if your hand isn't turned face up after 10 seconds, it's dead...

    None of this "what do you have" auction bullshit that I see everywhere..
  • -"Don’t slow roll. What the fuck is this shit?! Two or more guys are all in and they are both waiting for the other guy to open his cards first?! Fuck off and open your cards. What are we 14yrs old? The same goes for the showdown. If you know you got the shit just show it, otherwise the bettor is supposed to show first. Either way lets just speed this shit up girls."

    -"No rabbit hunting. It takes up precious time and the player that didn’t have balls to call the last bet can go fuck himself."

    -"Shut the fuck up. If you’re not in the hand, keep your comments to yourself. Don’t tell another player to call an all in bet or “go all in”. Don’t call out what is showing on the board. Just “shut the fuck up” as Mark would say. You feel the need to speak? How about you ask who wants a beer and then go and get them for us, Bitch.
    Another thing: Shut the fuck up about how you did last night playing Internet poker for play money. We don’t give a fuck about your play money shit."

    These should be standard for all games. NH.
  • esool wrote: »
    Here you go kids. A few rules from my friendly home game to help you out. Let me know if you need more.

    -"Don’t slow roll. What the fuck is this shit?! Two or more guys are all in and they are both waiting for the other guy to open his cards first?! Fuck off and open your cards. What are we 14yrs old? The same goes for the showdown. If you know you got the shit just show it, otherwise the bettor is supposed to show first. Either way lets just speed this shit up girls."

    -"No rabbit hunting. It takes up precious time and the player that didn’t have balls to call the last bet can go fuck himself."

    -"Shut the fuck up. If you’re not in the hand, keep your comments to yourself. Don’t tell another player to call an all in bet or “go all in”. Don’t call out what is showing on the board. Just “shut the fuck up” as Mark would say. You feel the need to speak? How about you ask who wants a beer and then go and get them for us, Bitch.
    Another thing: Shut the fuck up about how you did last night playing Internet poker for play money. We don’t give a fuck about your play money shit."

    I hope this was helpfull.

    And this is why I :h: Bill.
  • Ditto, Check the tag line. Not enough room for the full quote, but I hope I captured the sentiment.
  • Word up.

  • To all.... well handled last night. We were a force of pissed of players when this happened. It was nice to see a gang up on those slow rollin m-f'ers.
  • derksen wrote: »
    To all.... well handled last night. We were a force of pissed of players when this happened. It was nice to see a gang up on those slow rollin m-f'ers.

    All very true...but who the hell is going to fix my toilet?? :mad:
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    All very true...but who the hell is going to fix my toilet?? :mad:

    I guess you missed the early conversation between Garry and I about home renovations.... I will recap:

    Have you ever laid hardwood?

    Nope, but I've laid on it. Why? Are you installing some?

    Yes. So I guess you don’t know anything about installing the first row

    Well…. I’ve seen enough installations to know a thing or too

    Do you have any tips on installing the first row then?

    Yes….. hire someone who knows what they’re doing (AJ… read this one again, it’s the moral of the story!)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    All very true...but who the hell is going to fix my toilet?? :mad:

    Here is all the knowledge I have about plumbing.....

    Shit rolls down hill, don't stand at the bottom.
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