Steve Wins his First of the Season

Steve came back from a massive deficit behind Jeff headsup to take down tonight's game. Steve kept slugging away, pushing almost everyhand, and Jeff was simply not getting the cards he needed to put the coffin nail into him.


Jeff was able to take second place tonight after building a huge stack from the final five players. First he took out me, then Kris, then Max. But he went completely card dead when headsup started, and couldn't make a move to win it. Great game none the less, both of you!! Very well done.

Max monied in third place tonight as well. Tonight's Chump was Derek. Even with the RiverStars cards! It's gotta end sometime Derek...right?


  • Congrats Steve! You were due for a win!
  • Congrats on the win!
  • Congrats Steve
  • great game everyone...

    yours truly,
  • I've updated the Season Leader Boards...ACDC is still holding onto a slim lead on the Points Board, but Steve has moved into second place. Steve is also the new Money Leader after last nights' victory as well.

    Also, I've updated the thread with who has and has not qualified to play in the Season Ending Tournament due to insufficient games played. need to play BOTH of the last two games to qualify to play in the SET.
  • Thanks,

    here are some turning point hands from heads up.

    I had about 2000 in chips out of the 11000 in play and push with pocket 2's, Jeff called but I am not sure what he had, and the 2's held up.

    a little bit later on we are pretty close in stacks when Jeff pushes all in with pocket 4's and I call with A 9 off, flop is 3 A 3 and Jeff fails to improve and I am now the monster stack against Jeff.

    Now Jeff seems to have taken a play out of my book by pushing all in on almost every hand. I limp from the small blind with A 2 off and Jeff pushes all in with K 8 suited and I call hitting an A on the flop and the game is over.

    great game to all and a good heads up match agains Jeff, see you al next week.
  • Great game Steve,

    This is how it should have went down last week, you and me, except with me winning both times. If you can come up from a 5:1 chip disadvantage, You deserve it.

    The rest of you, good luck keeping Steve down the rest of the season, and the SET.
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