Dan Returns to Win Again!!

It was a long night. By the time the last hand was played, I could barely keep my eyes open while dealing. I think both Kris and Dan were experiencing the same thing, even though they did say they wanted to make the Widow Maker round. Almost did too.


Dan takes down Game 9, but he had to play his best to do it. Kris wasn't playing into Dan's made hands, and Kris made some very good (and fortunate) moves to regain chips several times. More than a couple of times, they would be about even in chips...Dan would take a few hundred...Kris would get them back...Dan would take some more...Kris would take them back. It was like watching a pingpong game!!! In the end, Dan won out when his 8 paired the board.

Steve took third place, and bubble was Garry. Jeff's monster stack early in the night did not hold out and he was taken out in fifth spot. Chump was Max, who after hitting quad kings early, went out shortly afterwards. Max had KK twice, and other paired hole cards, but it wasn't enough to give him the edge he needed.

It was an 'interesting' night to be sure, as we had Robert's Rules standing by most of the night for those little 'disagreements' we had, but I think it all turned out okay in the end. No hard feelings I hope.

Okay, I wasn't going to bring this up, but I have to...Queens have been treating me pretty good the past few weeks...but goddamnit Steve...flopping a full house with your AKo was just nasty!!! :o Nice hand sir.

Also...Kris ACDC has managed to regain the Top Points Spot for the season with his finish last night...but he also managed to TIE Justin on the Money Board as well!! A first for the league!! Congratulations!!


  • Very well played Kris, and I'll take you up on that rematch anytime. I got lucky a couple hands against Bus and Garry, but sometimes I guess it helps to have a bit of luck to pick up a win ;). Great game everyone.
  • Congrats on the win Dan.
  • Good game guys. I had a hard time driving home last night as my vision was blurred from all the tears. Anyways I won’t dwell on my performance.

    I have to comment on a new evil that has taken over the Hill. I’m not going to name names, but we are all guilty of it. Lets just call it the rise of Hollywood-ing and angle shooting. Just last night I must have witnessed 4 out of turn raises, 2 improper raises, numerous monologues, and lets not forget the rabbit hunting.

    I for one love playing with you guys, and I know no one did any of these thing intentionally. I think we’ve all just become so comfortably playing with each other, a lot goes overlooked and we give each other the benefit of the doubt a lot. I know I always Hollywood it a lot more at a ching hill game than anywhere else I play.

    Having said all that, lets hone those angle shooting skills for the Ryder’s Cup. :)

  • I don't consider anything last night as angle shooting personally. I did see some unintentional errors in the game, but nothing that warrants being classed as angle shooting.

    Alot does go overlooked at this league, but that's what keeps the fun factor in the game. We all know when someone is hollywooding, but for the life of me I can't figure out why anyone would...there are no cameras at Ching Hill. For the most part though, we take the game seriously enough, and still have alot of fun with it too.
  • congrats dan on another win.

    as for angle shooting and hollywooding, hmmm.....

    When I first found Ching Hill and showed up to my first game, I was thinking "How serious do these guys/gals take this league?"

    I found out that everyone did take it serious enough but not too serious to affect the overall fun factor. As I got to know everyone better I grew to love coming to Ching Hill every Thursday night to have an enojoyable time playing poker with the players I now consider friends.

    I do not mind donking off my $50 as long as I have a good time. And I just want to remind everyone that I still hold the fastest chump record in my first season at Ching Hill.

    In closing if it wasn't for the Great Attitude of the players and the whole fun factor of the games on Thursdays nights, I would have not come back for 3 more seasons.

    See you all next Thursday
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    And I just want to remind everyone that I still hold the fastest chump record in my first season at Ching Hill.

    A record I'm sure will NOT be broken!! ;)

    Thanks Steve, for your intuition about the league. It's meant to be fun, but still very serious.
  • Congrats Dan!

    Jeff, Jeff, Jeff. What happened? When I gift-wrapped my chips and handed them over to you, I fully expected that you would put them to good use. Apparently you are a re-gifter, and just handed them off to someone else. Well no more gift-chips for you big boy!

    Steve - your message gave me the warm & fuzzies. I agree with everything you said!
  • I think in some ways Jeff is right... we did become comfortable playing at the Ching Hill and a few "mistakes" were made, but. I trully don't think that any of this stuff was done on purpose. And, after all we are running a home game tourney... plus, we all can learn from "bad" and good experiences that happen at any poker table... Ching Hill Rules!!!!!

    NOW, GET READY TO RUMMMMBLE!!! This coming thursday ACDC takes on 'option dan' aka ninja (excuse me, but who???). DON'T MISS THIS ONE!!! GUTS AND BLOOD WILL SPILL EVERYWEHRE!!! BE THERE TO WITNESS THE MAYHEM!!!

    Have a good one,
  • ACDC wrote: »

    NOW, GET READY TO RUMMMMBLE!!! This coming thursday ACDC takes on 'option dan' aka ninja (excuse me, but who???). DON'T MISS THIS ONE!!! GUTS AND BLOOD WILL SPILL EVERYWEHRE!!! BE THERE TO WITNESS THE MAYHEM!!!

    Have a good one,

    I just wanted to add a schedule change and clear up somethings from ACDC quote here...... All the blood and guts that will be spilt are Kris's and this Thursday night it will not be Ninja Dan taking on ACDC but rather Ninja Dan DESTROYING ACDC :).

    We apologize for any inconvenience.... especially on Kris's part ;)

    See you all Thursday.
  • Bring It On Baby!!!
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