Host Captures His First Win of the Season

Well, it took me eight games to do it, but I finally took down a game tonight.


BusDriver and I heads up and I have almost a 3 to 1 chip lead. After getting less than marginal cards while three handed, I was getting not horrible cards heads up. Jeff battled back at me every step of the way, almost getting even in chips at one point. Unfortunately, his pocket 7's died on an Ace high flop against my A3, and they held up to win the night. Great game Jeff. You fought back very well.

BigChris monied in third place tonight, with ACDC Kris going out on the bubble. This should change the leader board up abit, just don't know if it will be enough to take Kris out of top spot or not.

Tonight's Chump was Amanda. Tough one Amanda, but it was really good seeing you out again. Make it a habit!

Great game everyone, see you all next week.


  • STR82ACE wrote: »

    BusDriver and I heads up and I have almost a 3 to 1 chip lead. After getting less than marginal cards while three handed.

    Good game AJ,

    AJ if you are going to make up stories try to make them more believable. ;)

    You got Aces and Queens (which knocked me out) while we were playing 3 handed. The highest pocket pair I had the whole night was Jacks.
  • Congraz AJ - well done
  • Congrats AJ!

    With all of BusDriver's talk of "triumphant return", I thought he might just pull it off....but you took him to school heads-up. Good game!
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    AJ if you are going to make up stories try to make them more believable. ;)

    You got Aces and Queens (which knocked me out) while we were playing 3 handed. The highest pocket pair I had the whole night was Jacks.

    True, I did get those at PRIME time, but that was it. I had been dealt nothing but 62o three hands in a row, and they were the best I had seen up until the queens and bullets. Queens paid off for me, bullets didn't though.

    Great game Chris and Jeff. Playing you both three handed was a tough battle.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    True, I did get those at PRIME time, but that was it. I had been dealt nothing but 62o three hands in a row, and they were the best I had seen up until the queens and bullets. Queens paid off for me, bullets didn't though.

    Great game Chris and Jeff. Playing you both three handed was a tough battle.

    BTW congrats as being the new league champ.
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    BTW congrats as being the new league champ.

    Who, me? I haven't done the chart up yet...did I gain THAT much ground?

    Guess I did at that. New Leader...ME!!! by two whole points!!! PARTY TIME!!!
  • congrats on the win and new points leader
  • Even a blind Squirrel can get lucky and find a nut I guess..
  • esool wrote: »
    Even a blind Squirrel can get lucky and find a nut I guess..

    In OUR game, Bill...NUTS are everywhere!!! ;)
  • esool wrote: »
    Even a blind Squirrel can get lucky and find a nut I guess..

    That's exactly what I was thinking. You ruined my comeback AJ. Sure you played a good game, and dominated the table. I don't want to hear any logic about well timed plays, or strategy. I was going to be the cinderella story of the season. Oh well, I'll just have to take it out on ya next week.
  • esool wrote: »
    Even a blind Squirrel can get lucky and find a nut I guess..

    Well Said Bill. Oh and Congrats AJ
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