Charity Poker Game in Orangeville

Charity Tournament for the Orangeville Curling Club

August 11th, 2007
Registration at 1:00pm
Tournament starts at 2:00pm

Orangeville Curling Club
76 Fifth Avenue
Orangeville, Ontario

$40 (all of which goes to the prize pool)
Starting Chips: 2000

$20 for 2000 chips
For any player who busts out during the first three levels of the tournament.
The number of re-buys is unlimited.

$20 for 3000 chips
The Add-On can be made only once at the end of Level 3 by any player regardless of chip stack size.

Prize Pool:
Top 10% of players
Maximum 180 players
Blind Levels: 30 minutes for the first three levels and 20 minutes thereafter
See "Charity Blinds Schedule" under the "files" menu

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