Ninja Dan Returns to Win Game 7

We hadn't seen much of Dan lately, but tonight, the came back to take Game 7 with his stealthy play.


Headsup against BigChris, Dan had almost a 4 to 1 chip lead over Chris, but Chris picked up some chips with his aggressive style, and abit of luck to get to a 2:1 range against Dan. Last hand of the night has Chris on the button with A10spades, and Dan reluctantly calls with K8o. King on the flop and no help for Chris, and Dan leaves with a smile. Great game guys.

Third place went to Steve tonight, and Max went out on the bubble after building a monster stack after the break. Just a couple of bad flops and he was crippled in short order, but both Steve and Max played an excellent game as well. Chump tonight was new comer Mario (Yea, I know, not his name, but I didn't catch his name properly either).

Great game, and nice to see more new faces come out. Hope you guys enjoyed the game and we would love to have you back again soon.



  • Congrats on the win Dan,

    If only Max called with his Jacks I would busted the both of you guys with my 3's and I would have been the winner.
  • Congrats Dan!

    AJ - his name is Nelio :)
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