Bristol St. presents -- "Jour de Poker 5" Sat. Aug 11th - 2pm (Waterloo)



  • im in............
  • g2 wrote: »
    Sign me up please and blind me in. I have an exam at 12:30pm so I will be there by 3:30pm at the latest.

    Rob, you missed me.

  • Sign me up please Rob.
  • sorry I'm out
  • Forget it, I am not in!
  • Rob,

    Cam is in for saturday barring an issues on the home front come the weekend.

  • Hey Rob, long time no see. I am trying to get someone else from town to come so I can get a ride, is it OK if I bring another person that I can vouch for?
  • Preroller wrote: »
    Hey Rob, long time no see. I am trying to get someone else from town to come so I can get a ride, is it OK if I bring another person that I can vouch for?

    Not a problem! See you Sat!
  • Trying is the key word, hopefully I can get one of my loser friends to try something new! I'll let you know ASAP.
  • sign me up please
  • oh, why not, sign me up
  • Good we can talk RCIV
  • Just a reminder I will be there sometime after the first break.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • Just a reminder I will be there sometime after the first break.

    Prophet :2h :2s

    Same with me.

  • It looks like it will just be me, not +1.

  • Sorry Rob, I'm afraid I'm going to have to cancel. Something has come up that I can't get out of... Have fun today as I know everyone always does there...
  • ill be a few minutes late rob.
  • Hey, blind me in if I don't make it in time. I will be there.
  • Merci pour les deux jours de poker. Sacre bleu, dix heures de poker. Je suis fatigue.

    S'il vous plait, ecrire dans ma poste. Merci.
  • moose wrote: »
    Merci pour les deux jours de poker. Sacre bleu, dix heures de poker. Je suis fatigue.

    S'il vous plait, ecrire dans ma poste. Merci.

    Never mind the greek BS, did you win? If not who did?
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    Never mind the greek BS, did you win? If not who did?

    I think that is french Joe. Greek LOL

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • Rob I want to thank you for a good day yesterday.

  • Ήμουν τρίτος, χωρίς τα εσώρουχα. Έδωσα μακριά όλα τα τσιπ μου σε Shopsy, έτσι υποθέτω ότι διαχειρίστηκε στο sleepwalk τον τρόπο του πρώτα και το άλλο άτομο χωρίς τα εσώρουχα ήταν δεύτερο (DrTyore).

    "I was third, with no pants. I gave away all my chips to Shopsy, so I assume he managed to sleepwalk his way into first and the other man with no pants was second (DrTyore)."

    Κανένα εσώρουχο δεν έχει αποδειχθεί τώρα μια νόμιμη στρατηγική μια καυτή ημέρα.

    "No pants has been proven now to be a legitimate strategy on a hot day."
  • Haha...

    Remember.. every time you piss me off.. a button gets undone too ;)

    Yea.. Shopsy took it down when I rather foolishly pushed with J6... into his AJ... oops... Only took a few hands.. he had like 4:1 chip lead going in...

    Good game though SHops, and great day Rob!!

  • My apologies in not getting the results up sooner. They'll be up tomorrow.
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