Eleanor takes Game 6 With a Vengenance!

Eleanor takes down tonights game, and she did it with style.

Eleanor was the short stack when she pushed with her flush draw into Max and me. I hit top 2pr, but max hit a set...Eleanor hits her flush to triple up. This gives Eleanor enough chips to completely dominate the final four.

Max is force to once again be the bubble, and Garry had to settle for third place. Eleanor and I headsup, she simply calls the Big Blind. I have78o and check. The flop comes 8 high, and I push. Eleanor has like a 4:1 chip lead, and instacalls with AA. I get zero help on the turn or the river, and Eleanor wins the night with pocket rockets.


Very nice game El. Been awhile, and you deserved a win tonight. Well played by everyone.

Tonight's Chump was BigChrisEl...not something he is used to. Still, everyone played to win tonight, and it was obvious by the second blind level. Even me, after finishing a bottle of South American Rum ;)

Great game all. Hope to see everyone soon.


  • I am pretty sure I was the Bubble tonight...

    Good game Eleanor
  • Sorry we missed the game tonight....working:mad:

    Looks like this rotation ar work has me out for the next 5 tournaments
  • Good job Eleanor.

  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    I am pretty sure I was the Bubble tonight...

    Good game Eleanor

    Sorry Steve...it was the rum.
  • Congrats Eleanor!!!!

    I believe that I called it about a half way through the game when I said: "I think you will do it tonight..." or something like that.

    And HAPPY B-DAY to AJ!!!

    See you all next week,
  • I believe that I called it about a half way through the game when I said: "I think you will do it tonight..." or something like that.

    You did call it! And then I said I'd have to get really lucky....and then I added that I felt lucky, and boy was I ever!

    I was so short stacked before the break - I had 275 chips, when the blinds were 30/60. I can't even believe I lasted past the break!

    There were two hands that really made my game - the first was when I had about 600 chips at the 50/100 level and pushed all in with JJ from the small blind, AJ called with 99 and my Jacks held up. That lead me into the huge hand that AJ talked about.... I had 1200 chips and was in the BB for 200. AJ limped from under the gun, and Max completed the SB. I contemplated pushing all-in with my 8s9s...but decided to see the flop. When it came with 2 spades and Max checked I pushed hoping to take the pot there.

    When both AJ and Max smooth called, I thought I was toast - sure that one of them had a better flush draw, and the other had a made hand. Luckily, when the flush came, it was better than 2 pair and trips. Woot!

    After that I needed a swig of AJ's rum. ;)

    Great game last night guys. I'd forgotten how much more fun poker is when you win!
  • Did you write correctly that you had 78o?...if so, that board looks like two pair for you. I see the black 8, but can't see the other card.
  • CurtisR wrote: »
    Did you write correctly that you had 78o?...if so, that board looks like two pair for you. I see the black 8, but can't see the other card.

    WHAT?!?!?!?!? Was I THAT loaded???
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    WHAT?!?!?!?!? Was I THAT loaded???

    Yes....because you had 10-8 not 7-8
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    Yes....because you had 10-8 not 7-8

    <j/k...good game Eleanor>
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