Justin Wins Again

Okay, the suspense is OBVIOUSLY killing some of you, so here's what happened.

ACDC struggled long and hard, knowing he had to build some distance on the leader boards, but alas, he went out on the bubble. Great game though Kris, keep it up.

Final three was Aimee, Justin, and new coming Curtis. Curtis and Justin were keepers of the chips though, and Aimee had to settle for third place. Heads up battle now between Justin and Curtis, and man, what a fight!! Alot of respect for each other raises, and very few flops, but when there was a flop, it was with some great hands. I only wish I wasn't so tired to not remember them...but neither of the two wanted to simply GIVE the first place money to the other, and they BOTH played a very very solid game. Maybe Justin can add his comments on a couple of hands, but after the game, he even commented on how much of a struggle it was to win the game. Finally, with the blinds well into the 400/800 level, Justin pulls the win off from Curtis.

Sorry, the pic taken last night was accidentally deleted from the camera. So this is one of Justin's many PREVIOUS Champ Pics. What the hell, he still looks 19yrs old, right?

Curtis, Deb, thanks for coming out. Hope you can make it out again soon. Great game Curtis.

Oh, and this wouldn't be complete without a comment on a couple of HUGE bad beats. First, Max was forced to become the chump when his QQ went up against Joe's AQo. Flop comes down 559. Turn was a 5. River...5. Max loses to quads with an ace kicker. Tough one Max

Joe wasn't done there though. After not keeping focused on the game, Joe missed Deb calling a raise, and before she could complete it, Joe raised, not hearing the original raise. Deb then put in her bet, and Joe, seeing as he had announced raise out of turn, was forced to re raise. Joe goes all in. Deb shows AK to Joe's 63o. Joe catches a 6 on the turn, and a blank on the river knocks out Deb. Horrid...absolutely horrid!!! Welcome back Joe!!! ;)


  • {QOUTE} Oh, and this wouldn't be complete without a comment on a couple of HUGE bad beats. First, Max was forced to become the bubble when his QQ went up against Joe's AQo. Flop comes down 559. Turn was a 5. River...5. Max loses to quads with an ace kicker. Tough one Max {QOUTE}

    Aj you must of been really tired. Cause I thought Max was the first man out and Khris was bubble boy... ???? But, I do totally agree with you on the large suck outs by Joe.. For once it was I givin him shit for his play on the way home instead of him. telling me what I did wrong and stuff. *wink*

    Leave it to JOe to come back with a bang.. Was a great game. I tried my hardest to make it to second, But alas didnt work. Considering I figured I was out when I lost the hand to Curtis with my 77 and he had the pocket aces.
    For me to come back from being last place in chips at that point. I only had about 600 in chips left after a few orbits. To finally finda a hand and double up then again . And to play smart poker by asking how many chips people had left so I didnt tangle with big stacks and stuffs..

    Was a great night of poker. Hope we make it out a few more times . Thanks for havin us back ... :)
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