Moose WSOP Simulation Tourney Aug.18 Cambridge



  • Thanks moose for having us over, great event. My buddy really enjoyed himself too.

    Look forward to the next one....maybe i'll play more then 6 hands before I bust hate 2 pair vs 2 pair situations!!!
  • Play started with 22 players. Rockwood has already pointed out how he managed to bust out 1st.

    Jamal went out 10th and the final table formed shortly before dinner break.

    Shortly before dinner I believe, Tyson limps, I limp and DataMn Al was in the blinds I believe. Tyson bets out at the 876 board and I flat call. Al pushes with 46, Tyson folds and I call with the flopped straight. (109). Al makes two pair but is crippled and I double through to finally get above starting stack for the first time in the tourney.

    5:00 Shortly thereafter Al calls with A4 after pushbot Aimee moves in with 88. Board bricks out and we break for dinner.

    Tasty snacks all around for dinner. Thanks to all who brought extra food.

    So now I had time to get chip counts.

    Moose 10,800,000
    John 8,400,000
    Akiki65 Don 43,075,000
    Aimee 11,675,000
    Blazin 72 9,575,000
    Zithal 6,450,000
    Tyson 22,100,000
    Richard 17,550,000

    6:14pm Cam raises from button for 2.5m, Aiki moves in. Cam thinks and calls. His 22 is no good against AA.

    7th 6:21pm Tyson raises to 2.1m and Zithal pushes his stack in with QQ. Tyson flips AK and we are racing. Board runs out 10AQ for some excitment. Turn blanks but Tyson calls for the J and hits. Damn he is good.

    6th 6:45pm Aiki raises to 10m, Richard pushes in with K9. Aiki pairs his J and now we are down to the bubble.

    5th 7:24 Aiki raises from button to 4m Moose shoves for another 12m on top. aiki calls, flipping of A10 vs 33. Board blanks but the river comes a cruel 4th heart, giving Don the 10 high flush.

    4th 7:41 ($135) John shoves with K9 and is called by Tyson A4 and John heads for the hills.

    3rd 7:54 ($190) Pushy Aimee shoves her AK into Don's 88, 9J3 of hearts gives Aimee a lot more outs but doesn't catch.

    Heads UP
    Don is a monster stack of 94,350,000 vs Tyson's 37,650,000. Only a few hands go by when (8:14) on a flop of 8J10 both players are allin with 2 pr each. A 10 turns and both players have a boat, river gives Tyson a flush as well but Aiki takes 1st place and $500 with the higher boat. Tyson takes home $275.

    The cash game featured lots of donkaments and ran to 1:30 am. Strangest one and only Cory knows what he was thinking occured when he raises preflop and g2 instapushes. Cory thinks (we think he was thinking but we are not too sure). g2 offers to show any one card. Cory picks one and g2 flips a K. Then Cory calls with K2. One for the Cory hall of fame.
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