WPT Super Satelitte August 25 @ 2pm Bradford



  • Still sitting at this damn "airport" waiting for the clouds to part long enough to go jumping..... really wish I was playing poker instead. At least they have wifi.. perhaps I'll bonus whore at FTP while I wait. :)

    Hope the tourney is going well. Sorry I couldn't make it Joe!
  • We went to the final table with the following:

    Seat 1 PokerJah 11,400
    Seat 2 Chris L 24,200
    Seat 3 River Rat Josh 6,400
    Seat 4 Acidjoe 9,900
    Seat 5 Mickey 42,800
    Seat 6 Kristy 39,000
    Seat 7 Doyle Who 24,300
    Seat 8 SteveKerr 9,100
    Seat 9 KRT 16,900
  • I will post full results tomorrow but congrats to KristySea and Doyle who for taking it down. Krt took 3rd money and hold'em Mickey took 4th after the final 4 decided to pay out 4.
  • 9th Acidjoe I ended up giving my chips to eventual winner Kristy. She raised under the gun, folded to me, I push with my AQ offsuit. She sits and thinks and I"m beginning to think I"m good. Finally she calls showing AK. The board bricks out and I'm done.

    8th River Rat Josh. Starting the final table as the lowest stack Josh got his 33 in against Mickey's 55 and Pokerjah's KQ. Pokerjah looks at me and I say your hand is good. He flops the K and takes down the pot eliminating Josh.

    7th Steve Kerr Steve went into push monkey mode as the new lowest stack taking quite a few blinds uncontested. He ended up against doyle whos 88 with AQ. While he hit the Q the 8's went on to make a straight.

    6th PokerJah I don't recall much of this hand but POkerjah had 88 vs two AK's (I don't remember who tho). His 8's didn't hold up.

    5th Chris L. In what had to be the unluckiest hand 5 handed I"ve seen. Kristy raised and Chris called. On a flop of A 2 7 Chris ends up all in tabling his set of 2's. Kristy flips over AA for top set and eliminates Chris. This was the 2nd time Kristy got a set of off pocket Aces.

    4th Mickey. After the table agree to take $100 out of 3rd and pay 4th. Mickey lost chips by Kristy when his 99's didn't hold up against Kristy's A5 clubs. Turn gave her a flush draw then she rivered the A. Next hand kristy got her AA in against mickey's K2. AA was good.

    3rd KRT The very next hand after Mickey went out KRT pushes with A-2 hearts called by Kristy with QQ (yes she had a good run of cards). KRT had a possible straight on the turn but couldn't hit anything on the river.

    1 and 2nd with both getting $650 for a seat in Niagara Doyle Who and Kristy took it down. After playing close to an hour (it seemed like it) and a half 4 handed. All of a sudden it was over in a few key hands.

    Thanks to Brent for dealing the final table and Sandy for helping shuffle once she rested for 10 minutes.

    Doyle who is going to Niagara next friday to play his Satellite. If my brain is functioning at this early morning the percentages should come out to 22.25%.

    1st and 2nd Kristy and Doyle who 4% of each other
    3rd KRT $400 + 3%
    4th Mickey $100 +2.75%
    5th Chris L 2.5%
    6th PokerJah 2%
    7th Stever 1.75%
    8th Josh 1.5%
    9th Acidjoe 1%
    10th Voodoo .75%
    11th Moose .5%
    12th BlondeFish .5%
    13th Brent .5%
    14 waltsfriend .5%
    15 EElliot .25%
    16 BigChris E .25%
    17 Ron K .25%
    18 Ponytail Dave .25%
  • Great day Joe and Aimee, I came in ready and to take one of these seats and just wasn't my day. I know you can take one of these down Kristy.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • it was a great day.

    you are right I just coudn't get out of push monkey mode when I had a good starting hand.

    Overall I had a great time and the food was great especially the potato salad.

    Good luck to Doyle and Kristy when they play the sats at fallsview
  • Well done Kristy. Thanks a lot Joe and Aimee. Always a great spread at your tourneys.
  • Thanks Joe and Aimee, the tournament, the company and the food were all amazing!
  • I like how the equity works out for places...GJ to the winners...
  • thanks Joe for a fun day, no luck again in Bradford but I did make $20 on the bounty for RRJ so I can't say I haven't made any money in Bradford (and my first final table in Bradford); good luck to the winners and please turn my 2% in $20k! Nice to finally put some faces to the names.
  • Congrats to the winners.

    Thanks Joe for having us out, it was a good run game and I enjoyed myself until my Kings ran against Kristy's Aces.

    It was nice to meet/see some people that I haven't met before that post here regularly.

    Good luck with the seats.
  • Thanks to Joe and Aimee ... that was fun.. I played absolutely brutal but hey it was fun none the less... I was waiting for moose to comment on Joe's play against me but that should come soon, COME ON Joe.. not calling my allin when you had an Ace? but calling the very next hand with K10 when I'm allin? lol.. thanks for the double up but it didn't help in the end. BigChrisEl.. sorry for dealing that cooler hand against Kristy.. either way after the turn where you both had sets the chips would have gotten in.. great meeting everyone and if any of the 640 winners are there friday I will see ya there and maybe we can grab a bite to eat or a drink.


    PS.. PokerJah.. good job on taking down the 20 dollar bounty I had I Josh.. lol
  • Voodoo, I can't play against you if I know I'm ahead. I got to get in behind that way I know I"m good. Well usually :) I know Derek is playing the 640 friday. I don't want to get all in with you knowing my weak A may be dominated, I'd much rather get in with 2 live cards. Even if you had middle pair I'm still looking to hit the A as I'm sure my 2 3 4's were behind your middle pair.
  • It's too bad I missed this one, sounds like a great day of poker. I'll be at the next one Joe. Good luck to the winners, I'm sure everyone who has a piece of you wishes you all the best. :D Just wish I was one of them.

    For anyone interested.. after a day of sitting at the cookstown airport waiting to skydive but not getting to on saturday, I finally hit the skies today, and let me say, I now know why the birds sing. INCREDIBLE!
  • Great time......good burgers.......

    It was nice to put faces to everyone......I could not get it together personally and to my dismay never got to sit with the imfamous "BLONDEFISH" but I watched him.......and I have deduced that he is a level 4.56734 player who sees a flop 22.45% of the time, who checks the flop 54% of the time, and scratches his nose when he is sitting weak. He loosened up his play when the rain started to fall outside, and it looked loke there was a slight advantage to labeling him as a LAG once the garage dorr was slightly lowered.......:)

    ok jokes aside......i am really appreciative of the effort put forth by our hosts, and I really enjoyed the spirit of the event. The garage was tacky, the tables worse.....but ya see I got a feel for the spirit of the game we were playing, and I felt really welcome and the people whom we call friends on the forum added a nice "real" meaning to it all. I say this cause I am overexposed to Casino, fundraising, and underground poker.......where attention to detail is anal. This was just barebones fun. I had a great time.

    Joe.....next time I will donate some real tables for the afternoon...it would be a nice touch, and I always have some in my truck.

    as far as level of play Blondefish!!!!

    This was some of the tightest poker I have ever seen. Comming from aggressive LAG players atundergrounds.....everyone there knew their shit....and other than maybe Joe and ROB no one really had that aggressive PUSH PUSH stlye going on. I stole many pots as soon as I sensed it. Another observation......WHat a great player Kristy is......she dominated from start to finish, fabulous. Much respect to Steve Kerr who also was quietly a good player as well as Jah.

    I cant wait to get another crack at all of you.....especially you BUDDY...:)
  • First of all, thanks again to AcidJoesHoe and AcidJoe for their hospitality.
    he is a level 4.56734 player who sees a flop 22.45% of the time, who checks the flop 54% of the time
    I cant wait to get another crack at all of you.....especially you
    My critical hand at the satellite occurred when a short stack went all-in and my read on him was that he probably had a mid-pair. I called with JJ and was a 80.77% favourite pre-flop and a 95.45% favourite before the river, but he hit one of only two outs on the river.

    Sorry that I don't look like the WPT hostess Sabina Gadecki in my avatar to qualify for your stag business, but I'll take you up on your other offer of staking me in limit hold'em. As a licensed dealer, the games I deal the most are $10/$20 limit and $5/$10 limit, and I now understand how math skills in limit poker is such a big advantage. According to poker instructor and author Angel Largay, the weighted importance in $1/$2 No-limit of mathematical/technical skills is 60% versus 40% for "people skills", but in $2/$4 Limit, mathematical/technical skills is much more important at 90%.
  • have you played much limit before Buddy?
  • Thanks Josh! I actually blushed for the first time in memory. Great to meet you, and some of the other forumers!
  • Ok so now I know that kristy and waltsfriend made it home ok... Good luck on Friday Kristy.

    Was a great day all around. Cept I didnt get to play and could have. That I must say was the weirds thing of all watching everyone play and being a hostess only. sheesh that really sucked. Glad everyone liked the food and drinks.. Thanks for the donations towards the food everyone. I didnt expect it at all and never do.. But It helps to make every poker tourny here good.

    Krt, thanks for the pepperettes again they were so good. lol
    Moose, thanks for the use of you laptop. Frets on fire rocks. (tobad i cant get it to work rightr on my puter or joes laptop.) oh well .. and Thanks for the watermelon, was great...

    See ya all next time I hope..
  • This is a bit late - but I haven't had much time to visit the forum this week.

    Just wanted to thank Joe and Aimee for hosting this event. Chris and I have been meaning to get out to a "Crown Casino" event for some time now, and I'm really glad we finally did - you guys are excellent hosts.

    It was a lot of fun to put some faces to names of people I hadn't met yet. Voodoo - I'll join you in the bad play category :-\ - but I had fun, and that's what poker is about for me.

    Congrats to the winners. I don't think I've ever played with DoyleWho before...but I've seen Kristy's mad poker skillz first hand....I'm sure she'll kill the satellite, and I'm glad I have a little (ok, very little considering how early I busted out) piece of her action at the WPT.

    Good luck to both of you!
  • I wish the news was better. I came 8th. I started off well and I was
    the Chip Leader for the first 3 to 4 levels. Then I dropped a couple
    hands and became short on chips. Antes and Blinds really beat me up
    when I went about 11 hands without a face card or suited anything. I went
    all in with A 2 suited. 2 callers. Flop K 8 3 rainbow. First to act
    goes all in.. I know I'm fucked... the other guy folds ... He flips 8,8
    .... I'm Done. On an up note I lasted longer then last years WPT
    Niagra Champion .. He finished 10th


  • Sorry guys finished 6th. I highly suggest playing this tournament though, some of the worst play I've ever seen.

    I was completely and painfully card dead in a tournament full of foolishly maniacal players. My fav. hand to watch- three way all in = K5o vs. 78s vs. JJ...(JJ was essentially last man in -he had less than 1bb more than the raise with two committed to call)

    I think that if you even approach a reasonable run of cards you win 2nd min.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Sorry guys finished 6th. I highly suggest playing this tournament though, some of the worst play I've ever seen.

    I was completely and painfully card dead in a tournament full of foolishly maniacal players. My fav. hand to watch- three way all in = K5o vs. 78s vs. JJ...(JJ was essentially last man in -he had less than 1bb more than the raise with two committed to call)

    I think that if you even approach a reasonable run of cards you win 2nd min.

    Good seeing you again Kristy, I think you've seen enough 2 4's and 2 3's to last you a lifetime. Thats the one problem with this tournament in that if you go card dead at the wrong time there aren't enough chips to weather the storm. On a side note... that same idiot old man with the K5 in that hand played in the 2nd 640, I raised to 600 with AQ spades after 2 players limped in at the 50/100 level and he called and then moved allin on me after the flop which was Q 9 3 rainbow. He had J 9 ... the turn was an Ace giving me two pair and he hit his 2 outer when a 9 fell on the river. Its brutal when retards get paidoff on bad play.
  • Ouch! It is mind boggling to me that-that guy can afford to play those all day. I must admit that I'm hooked, I want to go back and play more. I just cannot get over how bad the players were! (yourself and your friends who went 1-2 were the only exceptions)

    Nice to see you, thanks for babysitting me on my first Fallsview trip.
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