Bad Beats, Suckouts, and Misreads...Just another game on the Hill!

The game was filled with bad beats and suckouts tonight. I think everyone got at least one horrible beat to talk about. Mine came when Garry called my allin on the flop while I was holding QQ and he had A5spades...flop came down 4s6s2d...and he hit the flush on the turn.

Garry went from crippling me to win the night tonight. It's been awhile since he has tasted victory, with his AA's holding up and everything, a first for him in several weeks.


Steve came in second place tonight. Both Garry and Steve were exactly even in chips with 4500 each. Steve shows pocket jacks to Garry's A10o...and with an ace on the flop and no more help for Steve, Garry take home his first victory in awhile.

Third place goes to Kris ACDC, who has just increased his lead on the Leader Boards. Nicely Done Kris!!!

Great to see Brent out tonight as well. Thanks for making it out, and we'll see you on Sunday at Westside.


  • Good Game Garry
  • Nicely done Garry!
  • Congrats Garry!
  • Way to go Garry.

    Also way to go Steve and Kris l....Kris you have been laying low for the first few seasons but now your true poker power is being exposed.
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    Kris you have been laying low for the first few seasons but now your true poker power is being exposed.

    Yea...all we have to do now is figure out what his Kryptonite is...and the sooner the better!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Yea...all we have to do now is figure out what his Kryptonite is...and the sooner the better!

    Vodka or polish girls.... I'm sure either will do.
  • Thanx All

    That was a strange game last night; for me it started off with flopping that full house in the BB against Max and then on the next hand flopping 2pr against Derek.

    The three big hands came after the break. The first was when my pocket 10's help up against Brent's flush draw, I knew he was going to try and push me off the pot after his pre-flop raise I'm just glad the flop was all low cards :)

    Next was the hand against AJ at this point AJ and I are 1-2 in chips. I'm in the small blind for 75 AJ raises to 400 I look down and see A5ss and figure with the flops I've been getting when in the blinds I'd call and see what happens. The flop comes 4s6s2d I check thinking I'd check raise allin if AJ bets. Well AJ pushes, uh oh, and I start thinking 9 spades, 3 Aces, 3 deuces I've got 15 out for all my chips...ok lets go ;P and I hit the flush on the turn...woo hoo! Sorry AJ I had too many outs not to call

    We finally we get heads up and I have to give Steve cudo's for a great strategy. I had at least a 2-1 chip lead going and I think he either raised or went allin 6 of the first 8 hands to get it even and to be honest I was getting a little frustrated and figured the next good hand I receive I'm pushing. Luckly I outdrew him for the win

    Great game all....cya next week

  • No fault in calling me with that many outs, Garry. I knew what you had when you said 'so many outs', and the way you were hitting, I was praying you would just fold...well played sir.

    Steve was rolling you pretty hard heads up. Sure didn't take him long to get even in chips with you. Nicely done Steve.

    Garry, see you tomorrow for West Side.
  • Thanks guys,

    I figured I had to be a little aggressive to battle back to even in chips with Garry.

    It came down to 2 good starting hands for the both of us and Garry out drew me.

    Good game Garry and it was a good way to end the Tourny.

    See you all next week
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