Moose $25k Stack for $50 - Jul. 21 Cambridge



  • Nice picture moose!

    mm wants the links down sorry.
  • Thanks to the moose's for having us out. We would have stayed late(r) if we both didn't have to work this morning. Great tourney, and Roger I"m glad my chips went to good use. congrats.
  • Moose I would like to thank you and your wife for opening your house to us. It was alot of fun being able to play in a poker tournament instead of running them and I really appreciate all of your hard work. My first table was really good with 2 out of the 8 people I knew Mark, and Acid Joe. It was crazy it seemed like someone would bust from our table they would bring someone in and like 20-30 min later they would be gone this happened like 4 or 5 times so there was alot of chips on our table. Our table got broken first the 5 of us split up into the 2 remaining tables and all 5 of us made it to the final table which was really cool. I believe there was 5 out of the 6 left was from our original table which I believe is unheard of. When It got to 5 of us left Shopsy and myself were in survival mode with me like 20,000 and him at like 30,000 chips left. Shopsy said why not just give the 5th place person 10.00 off from the top 4 places to the bubble person and everyone agreed. After abit more survival Shopsy said to me why not the two of us split whatever we get so there was no presure and I agreed. Shopsy went out in 5th and I ended being 2nd in chips when it got to 3 handed. When it got to heads-up I was like 3 to 1 dog in chips, and got A 2 off suit raised to 60,000 to show strength but with the monster chip lead he called board came Q98 I pushed another 75,000 and he woke up with 98 suited and won. Congrats to roger for a well played day of poker super nice guy. I ended having to give Shopsy 150.00 gave 30.00 to g2 for dealing which was well deserved having to deal the final table for like 4 hours job well done.

    Thanks again to Moose and your wife.

    Didn't get home till 5:30 am. Man it was a long way home.

  • btw can someone tell me what level we were at when the tourney ended?
  • It was the 20BB level dead on (600k chips in play).... 15k/30k a3k

  • Hey Rob, could you sign up me and a friend if there is room :)

    Thanks :)
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