Moose $25k Stack for $50 - Jul. 21 Cambridge



  • Okay, my buddy is coming down from Toronto and we are trying to plan our weekend? Is there anyone who knows they won't be there? Tom, etc?

    Let me know, cuz I think he wants to play. If we can't both play, I will pull out since he's coming down to hang out for the weekend.

    Worse case scenario I will know by Sunday.....
  • One more confirmed. But, I think your chances are good. I have not heard from SmokinAces since she posted in the original poll and I have no way to pm her so I can't reach her unless she posts. Tom is being a nit but I did pm him. I pm'd Hobbes and he usually answers, so I am guessing he is away on vacation.

    You were planning on busting out in the first hour anyways, so what were you planning to do while your friend plays on? ;)
  • It's true, I would only last the first level anyway...

    Unfortunately, we have made other plans... Pls remove my name.
  • Just got back yesterday from vacation.
    I will confirm tomorrow.
  • Hey Moose we are in, sorry for the late reply but I didn't know if I was working or not. You can contact me at with the details. Looking forward to playing, sounds like a fun tourney.
  • I might be out again. The g/f's parents are coming for a visit and there's a very good chance that we're heading to Niagra Falls that day. I'll let you know for sure early in this coming week.

  • Zithal wrote: »
    I might be out again. The g/f's parents are coming for a visit and there's a very good chance that we're heading to Niagra Falls that day. I'll let you know for sure early in this coming week.


    You will just end up gambling anyways so you might as well stay in town. ;)
  • Moose looks like I will be there for the start. Can't seem to get this pm thing working so I will get your phone# from the heads up and call you Saturday morning to get directions. I'm out of town now until Friday.

    Cheers Steve
  • PM or email directions sent.

    Let me me know if you didn't receive it.

    One spot open, maybe two if Zithal bails. :(
  • Steve, menu bar at top:

    User CP
    -> Edit Options
    -> Enable Private Messaging
  • sorry i cant make it! please remove me
  • Sorry moose, I gotta bail. (Damn work!)

    I'll get you the card money next time we play.

  • Hey
    Moose! something unexpected came up, won't be able to make, really disapointed. Hopefully next time!

  • I've *finally* confirmed last night that the g/f parent's are coming down and that we are doing something on Sat. My dead money and I will sadly not be able to make it. :(
  • Here is some good news.. I made crab dip stuff.. :) Just for you Rob..

    We will be there, Maybe a bit late due to me working till 9am. But, we will be there. See ya tomorrow.
  • Table Assignments:
    1-1 Preroller
    1-2 Moose
    1-3 LiquidBro
    1-4 Jammer
    1-5 Aimee
    1-6 g2 Greg
    1-7 Dr.Larry
    1-8 Peteski

    2-1 DataMn Al
    2-2 Mmoose
    2-3 Prophet
    2-4 Shopsy
    2-5 bf-Garnet
    2-6 Mario
    2-7 2Bullets Jeremy
    2-8 Smokin Aces Lisa

    3-1 Buzzardd Dave
    3-2 Marty
    3-3 Seek the Grail Steve
    3-4 Acid Joe
    3-5 Blazin 72
    3-6 DrTyore
    3-7 Tammy
    3-8 Liquidfire

    Still room for up to 3 more.
  • DrLarry! Woohoo I can't wait :D

  • Hi Moose,

    If you have an extra spot I'd be interested in playing. I'm a friend of Buzzzardd and he mentioned would contact you.
  • ok. Get the directions from Dave, since I can't pm you.
  • woog30 wrote: »
    Hi Moose,

    If you have an extra spot I'd be interested in playing. I'm a friend of Buzzzardd and he mentioned would contact you.

    Yeah Luckbox is a friend of mine. I will vouch for him. I will send him directions.

  • Moose, are you still on line. My plans for today have changed. if you still have room, please let me know.

    OK, I just spoke with Dr Larry, he is on the way. So am I, hoping there is still a spot. I got directions from him as well. Will be there by 12:30. Please blind me in. Thanks...
  • Jeremey we waited but we have taken you out.
  • Well it is 3:20 am, the cash game finally broke at 3 am and was just tremendous. We ran 6 handed at least from 6 pm and several hours of 10 handed. In the end more cash ended up on the cash game table then in the tournament. Best cash game I have ever seen at any home tourney ever. What a blast.

    To the tourney: we ended up having 24 players buy in. We had a tremendous final table as well, that lasted over 3.5 hours. Smokin Aces Lisa busted out in 10th at 7:20 pm and the final table formed. I never got close so most of my details are sketchy as I was in the cash game from its inception.

    9th Peteski
    8th Liquidbro Andrew 7:50
    7th Buzzard Dave 8:45
    6th bf Garnet
    At this point darkness had overtaken us at about 9:30 and we moved indoors. Fabulous weather today for outdoor poker.

    Final five chip counts
    Roger 160,000
    Marty 159,000
    SeekTheGrail Steve 143,000
    Shopsy 92,000
    Blazin72 Cam 48,000

    There must be something about last minute entries in KW because Roger was woog30 from above and Marty made it here about 1.5 hours late.

    The final five agreed to adjust the payouts so that 5th place got $40.
    5th: Shopsy ($40) pushed Q3 and got 3 callers, Roger hitting a straight with his Q9 on the river.
    4th: Marty ($140) 10:00 pushed A2 into AJ. The board ran out a cruel 668JJ
    3rd: Seekthegrail ($200) pushed 77 called by Q9s. The board ran out another cruel KJ6310 board, rivering a straight.
    2nd: Blazin 72 ($290) 10:40 Heads up didn't last long. Cam raises to $60k with A2, called by Roger. Flop Q98. Roger checks and Cam pushes. Insta call by Roger 98 and board bricks out. Nice comeback though from being short chipped.
    1st: woog30 Roger ($530)

    Thanks to g2 and Prophet for helping out with the final 2 tables as I was busy in the cash game for most of the night.

    Everyone please sign up for my WSOP tourney coming up Aug.18. Preroller Dave will hopefully be bringing some of his custom built tables, for an added 'WSOP' feel to the tourney.
  • Thanks for hosting a great one Moose. I love these big stack tournaments. I also loved your chips. You are right. They are awesome. Congrats to Roger. He played great poker all day and deserved the win. I hated having him on my immediate left for the first half of the day. He was very aggresive and once he got chips, relentless.
    How come when you are shortstacked and push all in with pocket aces nobody ever calls but when you push with crap you always get a caller? Twice at the final table I got them and got no action. Oh well, maybe next time.
    Can't wait to get to your place again Moose.

  • Thanks Moose and MrsMoose for a great day. You are great hosts and put on a great event. The tournament was great but your right Moose the cash game had to have been one of the best I have seen, Mrs Moose, how are you going to spend all of your winnings? And Dr Larry, well he can afford it. I have never seen him rebuy that many times, it must have been 8-10? I'm sure he was tilting, maybe for the first time ever, cuz he's normally a big winner.
  • Great day everyone, thanks for hosting! You guys should do this once a month LOL

    I just want to say thanks to my brother for making it down this weekend. Last week he was in the hospital for 4 days. He has 2 girl who need constant attention because of there health issues. Sometimes I don't realize how hard it is for him to get here and he has to deal with my undue pressure to make the trip from Ajax. I don't mean to do that, just forget what it is like to be married.

    He played great yesterday. Short stacked at the final table with players left and the final table forming and to finish second was truly remarkable.

    The cash game was great! Mario 10.00 to 200.00 and something, incredible for a .25/.50 game.

    Can't wait for the 18th!

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • Moose,

    Thanks for hosting a really nice run tournament. Sounds like the cash game would have been alot of fun as well.

    Unfortunately I won't be able to make your tournament on the 18th as I'm leaving for Vegas that day. The WSOP concept sounds like a great idea.
  • Housekeeping - Lost and Found:

  • Cam, it looks like you forgot the card protector.

    Nice picture moose!

    Thanks again for a great day!

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