Sunday July 22nd!!!!!!DATE CHANGE


1st annual Golf/Poker Challenge!

What: 9 holes of golf followed by a BBQ and t5000 Holdem tourney.
Where: Waterloo golf academy or Riversedge (by popular vote/availability)
When: Sunday July 22nd Golf 10am or so, BBQ after golf, poker 2:30ish.
WHo: Not to be more than a dick than I already am...but please have played poker with me before if you'd like to sign up (or bribe me). I'd like to know who is stealing my blinds. And I wouldn't mind knowing you'll show up too.

How much?: You'll pay golf fees ($20-35) and pay $20 for the poker. The golf will affect your starting stack but NOT affect your finish in the winning the golf will not make you win money at the poker. You may just have a (very) few chips extra.


You must attend both golf and poker. You cannot be a good golfer.(or poker player for that matter).

Golf will start at 10-10:30. With poker at 3pm chez moi. I have yet to devise a way to handicap the poker tourney based on the golf results....but have no fear I will come up with something crude but effective.

Housekeeping? I'll have burgers and hotdogs for all. If you want anything else....bring it with you. No rake of course but feel free to bring pop or chips etc for everyone. Nikola's modified Roberts rules. I will limit this to 18 players..........

2. Dboss
4.Mike P
5.Mike J
6.Matt K

14.Brian Chase
15.Rheal +1
16.John H


  • I'm in. I vote Rivers Edge.

  • Waterloo GA is closer to me so i vote for it!
  • **************
  • I think I have played golf once or twice most don't consider that I play poker, but I will give it a shot!

    Prophet :2h :2s

    PS Good thing you change the date, I wouldn't have been able to do the 15th
  • I am Prophet 22's brother. g2 also can also vouch for me.

    I would like to play.

    Blazin 72
  • Cam's a good guy :) (blazin 72)

  • BLAZIN 72 wrote: »
    I am Prophet 22's brother. g2 also can also vouch for me.

    I would like to play.

    Blazin 72

    I think we've actually played at g2's house're in.

    Thanks for the headsup Brent/Greg.
  • I have been thinking about this for some time. Here are my thoughts.


    Players have a starting stack on the day of 5K.

    Players ante on each tee.

    Holes - 1, 2, 3, - 100;
    4, 5, 6, - 200;
    7, 8, - 300
    9, - 500

    After randomly pick for the 4 somes if it is 16 players or 3 if there are 18 players:

    • Each group follows the format below.
    • Players in each group will random draw again and place an order for each group.
    • Everyone antes according to the above hole guidelines and the first person in the group assumes the button and tees off followed by the next person until the group until all have hit tee shots.
    • Before the second shot is hit the button then has the option of betting checking or folding. The others have their options of checking, calling, raising or folding.
    • This is No Limit betting.
    • The players who choose to continue hit their second shots, those who choose not to continue can still finish the hole as normal. They cannot win any of the chips bet.
    • Those left continue in the hole, the button then makes the next bet.
    • The 3rd shots are hit. More betting.
    • If players tie the hole, the chips bet for that hole are divided among the tied players.
    • If you fold you have a winner of the hole and all the chips. And proceed to the next hole.
    • The next hole player 2 becomes the button and you ante and you start all over again.
    • This continues for the entire round.
    • If a player cannot make an ante he is out of the game but still plays and records his score.
    • Players will start the poker tournament with the number of chips they have accumulated in the golf portion of the event.
    • If a player looses all their chips, they will start the tournament with 10K
    • Also the person with the lowest round for the day will also receive an additional 5K
    • The challenge of this type of competition is to win all the other players’ chips in each group in each match.
    • For example, if a competitor does not have enough money to pay the ante on the 7th tee, he is eliminated from the competition.
    • The minimum bet is the ante at the start of the hole.
    • At any time players may choose to side bet, things like first on the green, first in the cup, use your imagination.
    • There will also be a closest to the pin hole for 2500 chips. You cannot lose these chips.
    • There will also be a longest drive hole. Must be in the fairway, for 2500 chips. You cannot lose these chips.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • I stink at golf and haven't played in 2-3 yrs but I think this would be a cool ideal to play like this.

  • Holes - 1, 2, 3, - 100;
    4, 5, 6, - 200;
    7, 8, - 300
    9, - 500

    Cool idea.... although you might want to check out the difficulty of the holes before you assign a value.

    At River's Edge the 9th hole is easy. However, the 7th and 8th hole are really tough.
  • dgangsta wrote: »
    Cool idea.... although you might want to check out the difficulty of the holes before you assign a value.

    At River's Edge the 9th hole is easy. However, the 7th and 8th hole are really tough.

    Even if the 9th hole is the easiest on the course it would be your responsiblity to have enough chips to play the hole. Chip management! Right?

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • Very true :-) Chip management I can handle..... course management...... well I always use the driver! :-)
  • dgangsta wrote: »
    Very true :-) Chip management I can handle..... course management...... well I always use the driver! :-)

    I am really hoping Nik goes with something like this it will make both games mean something to each other. Good golfer gane be a little more risky with chips and everyone thinks they are great poker players so it evens things out. It will be the best gambler who win this event.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • I am suprize there hasn't been more interest in this event. Oh well 8 or nine players will work fine. Any thoughts an how you are going to do this Nik, it might drum up more interest.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • I'm in...if thats cool.
  • haddon wrote: »
    I'm in...if thats cool.

    Your in.

    As for the suggestions from all, thanks so far. I will take it all into account. I will say however that we will have some terrible golfers out there and one thing that I wont do is have anything that slows down play. We have to keep up and we can't have people all over the course trying to yell bets and calls to each other on each hole. The other side is that there will be some players out who are, shall we say, not as poker "focused". I'm leaning toward something that is more passive in it's implementation. Longest drive and closest to the hole are simple and we'll have those...keep in mind that within your own group you are free to make any bets that you choose. As in the OP I also won't have the Golf overly affect the poker. Your play on the golf course will not result in a severe advantage or deficit in poker. Feel free to make more suggestions because I'm open to anything. Just keep in not slow down play, must be fun for all.

    Here's what I have in mind:

    Longest drive 500 chips
    Closest to hole 500 chips
    Every Birdie 100 chips
    Every Par 50 chips
    Every Bogey 25 chips
    Lowest score 250 chips
    Highest score 250 chips
    Bringing some food or drink to share at BBQ 100 chips
    Best(worst) golf apparel (by popular vote) 250 chips

    Keep in mind we're only playing 9 a ringer would maybe pick up 1500 chips advantage.

    *EDIT* For those of you who would like to gamble....feel free to Gamble with the above won chips.....No one will start with fewer than 5000 chips though. Anything beyond that is up to you.
  • Hope you guys are all ready for some golf and poker!!!!


    Tee times from 10:00 to 10:40. foursomes TBD. I'll get back to you this week.


    Give me one last shout to let me know you'll make it and I'll send you a pm with your tee off and group.
  • I'm in and can't wait!

    Which course did we decide on? Rivers Edge!!!!

  • g2 wrote: »
    I'm in and can't wait!

    Which course did we decide on? Rivers Edge!!!!


    I'm sorry to disappoint......Waterloo Golf Academy.....although we can set up something at River's Edge any time you want!
  • 2 late drop outs!!!! 2 spots left!
  • wga is my beotch
  • still waiting to hear from Haddon....10AM at Waterloo Golf Academy.......Sunday morning!!!!!
  • Need a call bro...

    Might have a player....*MIGHT* the number I left in the pm.
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